The Transfiguration

August 6, 2006 – Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ – Pentecost IX

Today is the Feast of the Transfiguration with the Commemoration and Proper Last Gospel of Pentecost IX. The morning Masses are celebrated before the Blessed Sacrament exposed. Our day of adoration closes with Vespers and Benediction at 1:10 PM. The Special Second Collection is for our Seminary and Mission Support. The Blessing of Religious Articles follows all Masses.

Alter Christus

The “little church” is in the vestibule this morning. The ushers are collecting alms for the Alter Christus Confraternity to support priests who might otherwise not receive help. Please be generous.

Another Week of Feasts

Monday, following the 11:30 AM Mass we begin our Triduum in honor of the 14 Holy Helpers.

Tuesday, the Octave Day of St. Peter in Chains, we celebrate the Feast of the Fourteen Holy Helpers and continue their Triduum, as well as the Thirteen Tuesdays devotion in honor of St. Anthony of Padua at 5:30 PM, before the evening Mass.

Wednesday, we honor St. John Vianney, the patron saint of parish priests and conclude our Triduum in honor of the 14 Holy Helpers, following the 11:30 AM Mass.

Thursday, we keep the great feast of St. Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr.

The lovely little miracle worker, St. Philomena, Lily of Purity and Red Rose of Martyrdom comes Friday for her feastday. Won’t you? The Triduum in her honor begins after the 5:45 PM Mass and concludes on Sunday.

Saturday, we celebrate the feast of St. Clare of Assisi.

Sunday, August 13th, we observe the fourth of the Fatima apparitions with our monthly Fatima Rosary Procession and the conclusion of our St. Philomena Triduum.

Feast of the Assumption

The beautiful summer feast of Our Blessed Mother, the Assumption, this year falls on Tuesday. It is traditional to bless first fruits (herbs and produce) and flowers for this lovely feast, as she is the First Fruit of God’s harvest of souls. Please plan to bring a basket to be blessed at the 9:00 AM High Mass. We would be grateful for garden flowers to use in decorating Our Lady’s tomb and for the children’s procession. Please bring flowers no later than this Sunday morning, August 13th.

Bring your children, too, for the privilege of representing the angels in our little procession before the 9:00 AM Mass. After Mass there is a complementary breakfast for all the children who take part in the procession. Our “Children’s Day” continues with special activities, and the day concludes with Vespers and Benediction at approximately 2:00 PM.

Next Sunday

Next Sunday is the Second Sunday of the Month. Children’s Confessions will be heard at 10:30 AM. NB. Vespers and Benediction are at 4:45 PM. The Fatima Rosary Procession begins at 7:00 PM.

Set your Missal : August 13th. Pentecost X with the commemoration of Ss. Hippolytus and Cassian, Mm. Preface : Trinity.