Pentecost XVI

September 24, 2006 – Pentecost XVI – Our Lady of Ransom – Angel Sunday

Confessions will be heard before and during all Morning Masses.
Children’s Confessions will be heard at 10:40 AM. The Blessing of Children and the dedication to their Guardian Angel takes place today after all Masses.
Vespers and Benediction are at 1:10 PM.

North American Martyrs

On Tuesday we honor “saints from our soil”, the North American Martyrs, at the 11:30 AM High Mass. Please join us.


Friday is the feast of the Guardian Protector of the Church, St. Michael the Archangel, with the children’s High Mass at 11:30 AM. Come and implore this powerful messenger and intercessor to beg God, for us, to restore our Church. The Low Mass and Benediction is at 5:45 PM.

Lessons in the Catholic Faith

Bishop Dolan or Father Cekada are now offering a systematic study of the Catholic Faith – for all – especially converts and interested non-Catholics, or Cathlics who would simply like to learn more about their Holy Faith. Please invite, and even accompany, anyone who may be interested. Join us Saturdays at 3:00 PM.

Catholic Men & Boys

For almost five years, now, it has been policy that Catholic men and boys are to wear a suit coat or jacket, and a tie, to Sunday Mass. This old Catholic custom both expresses and teaches respect for God’s Day and House and Sacrifice. There always are a few who take a stand “on principle” to appear at Sunday Mass in very casual or even sloppy dress. They will be asked to appear somewhere else if they refuse to follow this reasonable little rule. “Deo Optimi Maxima–To God the Greatest Our Best.” (Bishop Dolan)

Rosary Confraternity

The Rosary Confraternity will meet at the Auburn Street Abortion Clinic, Saturday September 30th, to recite the Rosary in reparation for the crime of abortion. We will meet at 11:00 AM following the 9:00 AM Mass and a light breakfast. Everyone is invited to attend.

Mass Stipends

We are always delighted to receive your stipends for Holy Mass. Please fill out a form (sent by mail with the National Newsletter) or an envelope (available in the vestibule and at the Gift Shop) for each Mass requested.

Next Sunday

Next Sunday is the First Sunday of the Month. The Blessing of Religious Articles follows all Masses. The Second Collection is for our Seminary and Mission Support. At 1:10 PM we have the Opening of the Month of October with the Rosary before the Blessed Sacrament Exposed, and Benediction.

Set your Missal: October 1st. Pentecost XVII with the commemorations of St. Remigius, BC and Our Lady and All the Saints. Preface: Trinity.