Lent III

February 24, 2008 – Lent III
Today is Confession Sunday. Confessions will be heard before and during all Masses. Children’s Confessions at 10:30 AM. First Vespers of St. Matthias and Benediction are at 1:10 PM.

Alter Christus
Thank you for your donation of $200.00 for the Alter Christus Confraternity in February for Masses to help support priests and their sanctification

Sorrowful Mother Novena
Join us every Friday evening after the Stations of the Cross and Sermon for the Sorrowful Mother Novena and Blessing of the Sick. Call or write in to the office the first names of those who are sick, and those for whom you would like us to pray.

Stations In Lent
At 3:00 PM on Wednesday, we offer the traditional Children’s Stations of the Cross and Holy Communion.
At 7:30 PM every Friday in Lent we offer the Stations of the Cross, Sermon, Sorrowful Mother Novena and Blessing of the Sick, Benediction and Holy Communion.

Friday Nights In Lent
Join us for our traditional “Evening of Recollection” including 5:45 PM Mass, sermon and Sacred Heart Novena.

First Saturday and the Opening of the Month of the Passion
Reparation Intention: For Blasphemies of Heretics, Schismatics & Impious Men.
7:15 AM Confessions
7:30 AM Low Mass
8:00 AM High Mass, Rosary & First Saturday Devotions, Confessions
A light breakfast in Helfta Hall will precede the first of our Lenten Recollection Talks by Dr. Thomas Droleskey.
10:00 AM (Approx.) Topic: Conciliarism’s Warfare Against Truth.

Next Sunday
Next Sunday is the First Sunday of the Month. Our Special Second Collection is for: Seminary Support. The Blessing of Religious Articles follows all Masses.
The second of our Lenten Recollection Talks by Dr. Thomas Droleskey will follow the 11:30 AM Mass and some light refreshments. 1:00 PM (Approx.) Topic: Making Room for Baal and His Friends As Christ the King is Dethroned. Set your missal: March 2nd. Lent IV – Laetare with the commemorations of Our Lady and All the Saints and for the Living and the Dead. Pref: Lent.

Lenten Reading
As is our custom, all children are reminded to be reading a good book this Lent. During Easter, hand in your book report to Bishop Dolan. Adults are welcome to do the same.

Upcoming Events
Friday – March 7th: Lenten All Night Adoration – 9:00 PM, closing with 6:30 AM Mass on Saturday the 8th.
Saturday – March 8th: Volunteers are need to help cover the statues for Passion Sunday.

Fr. Leslie’s thank you for the very generous Christmas Collection…
19th January, 2008
My Lord Bishop, Today I was able to collect the post from the box and was delighted to receive your Lordship’s most generous cheque. I am, as always, grateful to you for this bounty and, indeed, it is a Godsend. Unfortunately, my nephew no longer drives me to the many places I need to go in my pastoral undertakings and the condition in which he left my faithful old VW Citi Golf has cost nearly $600 to rectify. A good part of your donation will be used to help needy school kids to get uniforms, books and other materials and pay part of their school fees. The balance I shall have to retain to finance alternative drivers. My Lord, thank your dear and generous people for their benevolence. —Fr. Eldred Leslie

2nd Annual Lenten Play
When: Passion Sunday, March 9th:
Where: Helfta Hall
Time: 12:45 PM following the 11:30 AM Mass. A delicious Spaghetti Dinner will be offered as a little fund raiser, followed at 2:00 PM by the play The Judgement, a Medieval mystery play, presented by the students, staff and volunteers of St. Gertrude the Great School. This Medieval mystery play is a “You done it” not a “Who done it.” All parishioners are invited to enjoy this annual Lenten tradition. It makes for a great family afternoon at church. We look forward to seeing you there.