
May 11, 2008 – Pentecost Sunday
Today is the great feast of Pentecost, the Descent of the Holy Ghost. This year it is also Mother’s Day. The High Mass is offered for our mothers whose names are on the altar. Festive Organ Whitsunday Vespers are anticipated, for your convenience at 1:10 PM and are followed by Benediction and May Devotions.

Easter Duty
Trinity Sunday, one week from today, is the last day on which to fulfill your Easter Duty of a worthy Holy Communion. Those who neglect this duty are no longer Catholics in good standing and sin mortally. Pray and offer sacrifices this week for all to make a good Confession and Communion.

Whit Monday and Tuesday
Remember that these are great feasts in their own right, and make every effort to attend Holy Mass again. Pentecost Tuesday, May 13th, is a feast of Our Lady of Fatima as well as of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament. The first of our Fatima Rosary Processions follows the special 5:45 PM Mass at 7:00 PM at Union Center and Floer Dr. Your participation is important!

Ember Days
Wednesday, Friday and Saturday of this week are the summer Ember Days. All Catholics age seven and older must observe partial abstinence on Wednesday and Saturday; total abstinence on Friday. All those between the ages of 21 and 59 inclusive are obliged to follow the church laws of fast – one full meal a day. The Ember Days were instituted to beg God’s blessings upon those to be ordained and for the new season of the year.

Next Sunday
Fr. McGuire will be here to hear extra confessions for Easter Duty. The Blessing of Expectant Mothers is available at the communion rail after all Masses. Trinity Sunday. Set your missal: Trinity Sunday; Asperges; Preface of the Holy Trinity; Commemoration of Pentecost I; Proper Last Gospel of Pentecost I; Vespers May Devotions, and Benediction at 4:45 PM.

Upcoming Events
Sunday – May 25: First Holy Communion during the 9:00 AM Corpus Christi High Mass.

Alter Christus
Thank you for you generous contributions last week of $140.00; enough for seven Masses for our priests’ spiritual and material support.

Our Beloved Dead for Month of May
Jeffery P. Tilford………………….May 3, 1999
Arthur F. Moser…………………..May 8, 1991
Jean Boehm………………………May 11, 2000
Anna M. Atanasoff……………..May 12, 1987
Frank W. Wolf………………….May 14, 1985
Mary Rose Jacobs………………..May 16, 1982
Lena Goodman………………….May 19, 1998
Honore E. Gerrard……………..May 21, 1993
Jeffrey Robert Becker……………May 25, 1984
John J. Bischak…………………..May 26, 1988
Theresa C. Albert……………….May 30, 1990

Lumen Christi
For the next fortnight the Sanctuary Lamp will burn before the Blessed Sacrament for: Debbie Wilker’s Mom – Katie Bischak