Solemnity of the Precious Blood

July 6, 2008, Solemnity of the Precious Blood
Today the Solemnity of the Precious Blood is observed at all Masses (Mass of July 1st) with a commemoration and Last Gospel of Pentecost VIII. The blessing of religious articles is available at the communion rail after all Masses. The second collection is taken up for the support of our Seminary. The Little Church of the Alter Christus Confraternity is in the vestibule to receive your kind alms for the spiritual and material support of priests.

This Week
Tuesday is the feast of a great saint of peace, St. Elizabeth. We continue the St. Anthony Devotion after the 8:00 AM Mass.

Wednesday offers an “after work” Mass at 5:00 PM Although technically a Ferial Day, Our Lady of Peace and many other saints fall this day, including Ss. John Fisher and Thomas More, and St. Maria Goretti.

Confessions are heard before the 8:00 AM Mass on Thursday.

On Friday at 5:45 PM the monthly Requiem for the Poor Souls is sung, followed by Novena and Benediction.

Next Sunday
Summer Children’s Confessions are heard at 10:30 AM. Summer afternoon Vespers and Benediction resume at 4:45 PM, with Precious Blood Devotions. The Fatima Rosary Procession is at 7:00 PM in West Chester. We meet at the First Watch Restaurant parking lot located on Union Centre and Floer Dr. Set your missal: Pentecost IX, with the commemorations of St. Anacletus and Our Lady and all the Saints. Preface of the Trinity.

In Your Charity Please Pray
For all the sick of the parish, especially Peter Schappacher, who is seriously ill.

Don’t Forget!
The Knights of the Sacred Heart Boys’ Summer Camp will be held July 22-24 here in West Chester. Plan now to have your boys ages six to fourteen to attend. Please contact Father Saavedra.

The Sisters of St. Thomas Aquinas will be here to assist with our Girls’ Day camp at St. Gertrude the Great from August 21 to 23. Contact the parish office for additional information.