Easter Sunday

Our altar as it appeared after Easter Sunday Mass

This school year we will be publishing daily sermons from the previous week:

Mar. 26, 2013: Tuesday in Holy Week by Bp. Dolan
Mar. 28, 2013: Maundy Thursday Mass by Bp. Dolan
Mar. 28, 2013: Washing Each Others Souls (Maundy) by Bp. Dolan
Mar. 29, 2013: Darkness (Good Friday) by Bp. Dolan
Mar. 30, 2013: Be Bold! (Easter Vigil) by Bp. Dolan

✠ The Bishop’s Corner ✠
Monday, March 25th, we woke up to snow, fitting perhaps for the actual day of the Incarnation, although the celebration of the Annunciation is transferred to April 8th this year. The veil of white anticipated the Easter white we wear today: joy, sincere spiritual joy, in the Resurrection of Our Lord, and in the realization that “adhuc tecum sum” as we sing in the Introit, “I arose and am still with you, Alleluia!”

I am writing these lines on a snowy Monday in Holy Week, remembering with gratitude yesterday’s fine Palm Sunday. Despite the snow, Michael the Donkey attended, and led us all in a meek and humble, yet triumphant procession. We all got cold until the gates of Heaven (the church doors) were opened by the power of the Holy Cross. Thanks, Marlys, for the beautiful palm arrangements. Thanks to our fine servers and singers and the “behind the scene” helpers who are working as I write this. Oh, great thanks to the Infant of Prague and St. Scholastica, as well as Our Lady and St. Thérèse for holding off the snow until after the procession. They say the last ones in felt the first flakes of snow.

Katie told me to pray to my mother for the same intention, so I did. This snowy March 25th is the fourth anniversary of her death, and the 22nd anniversary of the death of Archbishop Lefebvre, who was like a father in so many ways, and so edifying in his personal sanctity. He died on the Monday in Holy Week, March 25, 1991. May they rest in peace!

May you, devout churchgoers and devoted church workers, enjoy some rest as well these Easter Octave Days. But do come back, please, for Monday and Tuesday, great feasts, as well as for First Friday and our “mini adoration.” Let us put into practice some of the little, joyful lessons of the Little Way, helping Jesus to sanctify priests and save souls.

There is so much still to say about the Little Flower that I am tempted to continue the theme. It is hard to exhaust her message for modern man, and I don’t think that we would exhaust you in exploring the riches of her spiritual doctrine. Her teaching is ancient and yet freshly new, easy and demanding, it never discourages but urges us on the Little Way.

The cats seem successfully to avoid exhaustion, pacing themselves by long naps. Our cat emeritus has been visiting his brother cat for breakfast lately. “We are brothers,” they proclaimed! Caravaggio is taking his new position in stride. His installation in the feline ministry was, of course, a simple affair. However, he opted not to suppress the Offertory Procession. A juicy field mouse was presented with suitable ceremony and received with applause. Talk about acculturation. Cats come in handy in so many ways.

Thanks so much to all of you for your devout attendance, generous contribution of time and money, and your unflagging love for our Holy Faith, our church and Mass, for Jesus and Mary – and each other! I marvel with grateful joy at the cooperative, charitable spirit which reigns among us. We’re not perfect (we never were) at this church, we little souls who just try daily to do a little good, the Little Way. For the rest, we’re learning to forgive and be forgiven, which is the best way.

God reward you all with the most blessed of Easters, and a peaceful, joyful, quiet April.

–Bishop Dolan

PS: I just got a look at the beautiful Altar of Repose. “Light and airy,” filled with lillies and angels, it reminds me of our early “reposoirs” at Sharonville. Good job, ladies! Fr. Cekada has been lining up adorers for Holy Thursday afternoon, to be sure that Our Lord is honored with worshippers. Will anyone come this week?