Immaculate Conception

Daily Sermons
Due to popular request, we are bringing back our daily sermons to be published here:

November 28 – Bp. Dolan – St. Catherine Labouré
December 2 – Fr. Lehtoranta – St. Bibiana
December 3 – Fr. McKenna – St. Francis Xavier
December 4 – Fr. Lehtoranta – St. Peter Chrysologus
December 5 – Fr. McKenna – The Holy Souls

✠ The Bishop’s Corner ✠
Blessed feast of the Immaculate Conception! This great holy day should be especially dear to us, who uphold the immaculate purity of Holy Mother Church, the new Eve pre-figured and represented by Our Lady, who never did nor could give anything evil to her children.

But Mary Immaculate is also patroness of our land. How far we have wandered from every conceivable righteousness, any last shreds of holy purity in life, public or private, in entertainment, in education, and in government. If we pray, however, we shall be kept safe as Catholics and Americans. We shall save our souls and others’ too, even if terrible chastisements must come to what passes for the Church (and is not) and what, alas, has become our country.

Today we take the Legion of Decency pledge. Mean what you say. Live this way, uncompromisingly. Bring up your children innocent, free of the filth that clogs our airwaves. This is the real pollution people should worry about first.

Someone e-mailed me last week that the celebrated windbag Rush Limbaugh said that Bergoglio is teaching “pure Marxism.” He’s right there. Maybe more people are starting to realize the truth. Of course no one will say anything about Bergoglio’s boldest heresy, already long taught by JPII and Ratzinger: that the Old Covenant was never abrogated, and that Jews can save themselves in their current religion (which bears very little resemblance to the revealed religion of Moses and the prophets, and is a modern pharisaical construct). Pray these days of Advent for the conversion of the Children of Israel.

Today I am in the land of Bergoglio, Argentina. I’ll be interested to see what is happening there, seven years after my last visit. The people are very poor, and the Church is still given great respect. The Fathers there collect poor children and give catechism and provide summer camps for them, preparing them thus to receive their sacraments. Please pray for their perseverance.

Today there are a hundred First Communions and Confirmations scheduled at the St. Joseph’s Church outside of Cordoba. Two Masses will be offered to accommodate everyone. It will be a busy morning this feast of the Immaculate Conception. I return Tuesday morning.

Last week’s last days of Autumn were delightful, but probably Winter is with us now. Argentina has the opposite seasons, so it is late Spring there. That should be a nice change.

The Fathers are almost all traveling today. Fr. Cekada hurries off to the seminary this afternoon for the week. Fr. McGuire is in Louisiana, and Fr. McKenna is in the midst of another long Milwaukee mission visit. Please pray for good weather and safe trips for us as we go about our appointed rounds, St. Nicholas-like. Don’t forget our latest priest, Fr. Nkamuke, who leaves this week for Nigeria, his first home and mission visit there since he first came to the seminary.

St. Nicholas is said to be visiting us today, weather permitting. Be sure to bring the little ones back to Helfta Hall. Next Sunday we have our Christmas Cookie and Craft Sale. Your participation will make it a success!

But please don’t forget “the reason for the season.” Let Advent prepare your heart for the Savior. Stay with Mary Immaculate these days. Make a good preparation for your Christmas confession.

May Mary Immaculate shield us under her virginal mantle.
– Bishop Dolan