Saints Peter and Paul

Daily Sermons
June 6 – Bp. Dolan – The Scales Balanced
June 7 – Bp. Dolan – A Nice Confirmation Sermon
June 9 – Bp. Dolan – Pentecost Monday
June 10 – Fr. Lehtoranta – Pentecost Tuesday – Show Affection to the Holy Ghost
June 19 – Fr. McGuire – Corpus Christi

✠ The Bishop’s Corner ✠
I write this mid-week, on Wednesday, but so much has happened thus far that it seems that eight days and not four have passed. The Octave of Corpus Christi is still being observed, suspended only for a solemn birthday for Christ’s cousin, who first cried out: “Ecce Agnus Dei, Behold the Lamb of God.”

As you read this, the great feast of the Blessed Sacrament will have finally come to an end with the family feast of St. Gertrude’s great devotion, the Sacred Heart, a day of reparation. Today, of course, June ends with Ss. Peter and Paul, a feast kept with an octave as well, calling us to remember our roots and our reality: We are Roman Catholics, and these are Rome’s patron saints. May Rome be released of the captivity which holds her subject to this abominable new religion. This is our faithful prayer.

God reward the faithful adorers of last Friday night, especially the men of the Guard of Honor. This Corpus Christi has been marked with many hours of adoration, much prayer. Thanks, too, go to our helpers of last Saturday who prepared everything for the Sunday Solemnity, adoration and procession.

Our rainy June turned sunny to honor the Creator of all on the very Feast of God, and after quiet adoration and a beautifully sung High Mass to close the choir season, we processed out with the Blessed Sacrament, led by children and our First Communicants scattering flower petals. The cloister provided a perfect venue for our “outdoor” Benediction, and then we processed into church for the second of the day’s four. Thank you to our faithful Rosary Confraternity members for your participation!

By evening, after Vespers and the final Benediction, we were tired out, but happily so with our efforts to honor in some modest way our Eucharistic King. However, we sprang into action again when we heard about Carolyn McClorey’s car accident, with prayers, especially the help of our Rosary Chain. Fr. Cekada spent the evening with the family, waiting at the hospital. All turned out well. Our prayers were heard.

Monday was marked by more adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, by the priests, and Darlene, as well as preparations for Tuesday’s feast and barbeque. Fr. Nicolás Despósito, of the seminary, came in for a brief visit as well. The feast opened with First Vespers of St. John the Baptist. On Tuesday we prepared wood for a great bonfire, and prayed for dry weather. It was not to be, but God always has His reasons. Fr. McKenna celebrated the Solemn Mass and preached for the birthday of St. John the Baptist, and the Summer choir sang in honor of this last of the prophets.

It rained, off and on, all evening. Today I remembered that the French say if it rains for St. Medard, it will rain for 40 days. It did, as his feast, which fell on Pentecost, June 8th, was a rainy day, remember? But the marvelous thing is how well our parish “birthday” party went, rain or shine. We all enjoyed the delicious supper of brats and sauerkraut and many other dishes out in the cloister. Towards dark we set up the Holy Saturday brazier, which different altar boys, experts in the area, adroitly loaded with kindling wood. Soon a great impressive fire was blazing in the cloister, and being blessed in the Name of Christ, “the unfailing light,” and in honor of St. John. His celebrated Vesper hymn resounded under the vaults, sung by clergy and choir together.

Next, in the light of our improvised bonfire we sang about our “Home on the Range” and dear Dixie. The school choir favored us with the ever-popular “Teddy Bears’ Picnic,” a favorite of Fr. Cekada, who then invited us into the comfort of Helfta Hall. The children served as chorus for his charming tale, repeating “I am Cat, and I walk alone, and all places are alike to me.” Special mention to Putin the Pussycat, and his remarkable Russian accent.

Marshmallows followed next, children delightedly scurrying in the dark between the blessed fire and the charcoal grill for maximum marshmallow roasting. We concluded with Rosary in the church. We could not have had a more pleasant or successful evening than the one God gave us. Deo Gratias!

The cats marked the occasion by catching and consuming a particularly large rabbit in the rain, whose remains were left scattered on the kitchen porch. I am amazed at Caravaggio’s undying enmity for the hare, his hereditary enemy, and his edifying meekness under every morning’s assault from the killdeer. Their sentry bird follows him, drone-like, boldly strafing the hapless cat and crying out the whole time as Caravaggio patiently waits on the porch for the opening of the breakfast buffet.

And the week, as I write this, is only half done! Remember Fr. Lehtoranta offering Mass in Spain today, before heading to Scandinavia. My travel itinerary is more modest: Milwaukee for a dozen Confirmations. Remember, if you would, your priests whose ordination was this day, many years ago.

May the Sacred Heart bless you and your family!
– Bishop Dolan