Pentecost VII

Daily Sermons
June 24 – Fr. Lehtoranta – John is His Name
June 29 – Fr. McKenna – Saints Peter & Paul
July 1 – Bp. Dolan – One Drop
July 2 – Fr. Lehtoranta – Arise, Make Haste & Come
July 3 – Fr. Lehtoranta – Blessed Peter of Luxembourg

✠ The Bishop’s Corner ✠
We had a very different Independence Day this year. We didn’t do too much, just some special prayers, because of the First Saturday, and also the sadness of SCOTUS’ abolition of natural marriage in our country, the shame of it. It seems we built on sand. But many of you understood how late is the hour and grave the need, and we had a great attendance at both Masses, many Communions of reparation. It was all the more cheering because it was so unexpected! Mary reward those of you who prayed for our country, dedicated to her Immaculate Conception. God help us.

The next day was our day of prayer for occupied Rome, for the Church, the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul. Again, the hour is late. Recently Bergoglio remarked, in a moment of candor, speaking of himself: “I ask you to pray fervently for this intention” the Pope continued, “so that Christ can take even what might seem to us impure, scandalous or threatening, and turn it..into a miracle. Families today need miracles!” (The miracle families today need is a true pope, rather than one who works to undermine the family.) The other day the Socialist President of Bolivia gave Bergoglio a Hammer and Sickle Crucifix, made by a Jesuit (of course) in 1980. But then again “St.” John Paul kissed a Koran he was given. Time for Catholics to witness to their Faith by refusing to frequent churches where these men are pictured and prayer for as Popes, as Vicars of Christ. THey are vicars of Satan, as you well know. Do not mock Almighty God.

One of our very first Catholic Resisters to the new religion in the tristate, Ruth Higdon, died last week in Columbus at the advanced age of 97 years. For years she was a faithful member of St. Gertrude the Great. Ruth was a learned and articulate Catholic, and never one given to compromise. In her last years Fr. Thielen faithfully attended her, bringing Holy Communion as long as she was able to receive, and then just stopping by for a visit or blessing. Her family had her buried by a Modernist priest, ordained in the new rite, who simulated a Latin Mass in a Novus Ordo church. Ruth would have been the first one to reject such an arrangement, as Fr. Cekada correctly noted in the open letter he posted int he vestibule. We will have her Requiem Mass here on Saturday. Be sure to leave clear written instructions with us as well as with family as to your funeral.

On a cheerier note, our summer camps begin this week with the girls from Wednesday through Friday. We welcome again two of the Sisters of St. Thomas Aquinas who will be assisting. Plan to say hello to them next Sunday. Also visiting us during this time will be Fr. Arnoldo Vilegas of Tijuana, Mexico. So, it looks to be a busy, wonderful week for us all. Don’t forget the Monday nigh Rosary Procession for Peace.

I spoke with Fr. Roberto Mardones last week, and was happy to hear the old strength and energy back in his voice, as he recovers from his stroke and manages his diabetes. Father is especially involved in the radio apostolate, as is already very busy Fr. Cekada. He will have some help with the organ, though, this summer, furnished by one of our young and talented organ students. Our Lord is blessing our church of late especially with some fine young people. They help us get through today, and give us hope for tomorrow.

The McFathers switched offices with Fr. Lehtoranta last week, as his is the larger office, and the Reverend Mcs share office space. This is one of the many, but happy, problems which come with having the blessing of young priests. (Food is another, but sometimes you help. 🙂 ) Fr. Lehtoranta very graciously yielded his office to accommodate. This week he has prepared a special series of sermons for the girls’ camp at 9AM Mass each morning. How wonderful it is to see so many children at Mass, even once a year, and to hear their beautiful singing. It’s a little bit of heaven, these days, over all too soon.

Thank you for your fine singing at the Sunday High Mass, and for staying put during the closing hymn at Low, and sometimes even singing a little. Who sings, prays twice!

Don’t forget Our Lady of Mount Carmel on Thursday (there will be singing!) and your scapular every day.

With a summer blessing to you all, at home or on the road,

—Bp. Dolan