Epiphany V

Our Lady of Fatima, on a crisp Sunday morning before Mass

The Traditional Latin Mass, unlike the Novus Ordo, inspires young children to “Play Mass”. Many of our school-age children have their own vestments and other items necessary for “Mass”. In the photo album above (click the photo), “Bp. Dominic” celebrates a Pontifical High Mass.

Daily Sermons
January 30 – Fr. Lehtoranta – St. Martina and the Fall of Idols
January 31 – Fr. Lehtoranta – Sanctify Them in Truth
February 1 – Fr. Lehtoranta – St. Ignatius, The Loyal Shepherd
February 2 – Fr. McKenna – Candlemas; Preparing for Lent
February 3 – Fr. Lehtoranta – St. Blaise, God’s Love, and Love for Our Neighbor

✠ The Bishop’s Corner ✠

Our Candlemas dawned cold and bright, so Winter is supposed to have another flight. More likely, though, we will continue jumping between Winter and Spring all month. Thursday’s weather was just fine though, calm and sunny. A beautiful sunset lit our darkened church as we commenced our Candlemas. The three Sacred Ministers, swathed like the altar in purple, blessed the candles for our procession and homes. Fr. Cekada and Charles Simpson made up the schola, singing the complicated chant appointed for the occasion. It resounded nicely in the cloister, as we concentrated on keeping our candles lit.

But the feast was full of beautiful pictures as we honored Our Lord’s Presentation and His Mother’s Presentation: the procession in the dusk of the cloister, the candles eagerly received and wobblingly held by devout little hands, the fabulous, soaring, festive music of the Mass, contrasting with the penitential chants beforehand.

And then there was the supper! Rich, warming soups of all kinds fed the hungry hoards which filled Helfta Hall. Thank you for bringing your offerings. Thank you for coming, with your little ones, to keep the feast.

Thanks are in order to Mark Lotarski for the charming Candlemas tables and placemats, and all of the back work for this occasion. As I write this, we are contemplating putting away our Christmas. This is easier than putting it up, Katie says, but still plenty of work to take down, pack away, and clean up after. Many thanks for your help.

We have the unusual prospect of a whole month now until Lent. Fr. McKenna’s Candlemas sermon fired us up to keep a good Lent. I hope our resolve doesn’t cool in the meantime. However, if you start your Sorrowful Mother Novena with us this Friday evening, I’m sure you’ll stay on track. Do give your Lent some thought, and let me know if you have any ideas. If we all pray to Our Lady of Sorrows, we will be ready “for the best Lent ever.” Plan on it.

It’s always a joy to bless throats this St. Blase Sunday. The touch of the blessed candle is the touch of our Lord Himself for all the faithful, faithful or not. And the timing of Holy Mother Church is incredible. Just when we need it most! But don’t forget St. Blase is also good for confessing our Catholic Faith without compromise, and our sins without concealment.

Saturday we keep Our Lady of Lourdes. Saturday is really Mary’s Day, but her Son, by condescension for the practical problems of life, permits us to make our First Saturday on the following Sunday. If you started today, don’t forget the forgotten part of this wonderful devotion. In addition to the Rosary, “keep Mary company” by going over with her the mysteries. Think over, meditate with Mary, some of these great truths of the Faith in the life of Jesus and Mary.

Bishop Sanborn was replacing Bishop Neville in Michigan last week, and kindly came to Cincinnati to visit Fr. Cekada. We all had a nice visit with His Excellency, and appreciated very much this gracious gesture from a very busy bishop. All the more so because Bishop Sanborn was fighting a very bad cold himself. It was interesting to hear about his missionary trip “down under,” as well as his thoughts on future apostolates.

God bless you, throat and health and all, and keep you coming back to church.

—Bishop Dolan