Easter II

Young Adult Get-Together

This summer, we are hosting a young adult get-together. We hope to draw Traditional Catholics from across the country. Visit our event website for more information.
YAG Cincinnati Website

Fr. McKenna chants the Exsultet during the Easter Vigil

Bp. Dolan Blesses the Baptismal Font

Our Altar of Repose

Our Easter Altar

Daily Sermons
April 24 – Fr. Lehtoranta – St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen
April 25 – Fr. Lehtoranta – The Greater Litanies, Penance & Humility
April 26 – Bp. Dolan – Our Lady of Good Counsel: Her Story & Ours
April 27 – Fr. Lehtoranta – Remember Your Dear Dead
April 28 – Bp. Dolan – All Different Ways of Getting to Heaven

✠ The Bishop’s Corner ✠
I was just sitting down to write my Corner when Puccini arrived with a terrified baby bunny in tow. The bunny, late for Easter, has now hidden itself in my room like an Easter Egg, and Puccini has been put out. He’s quite put out. But like the children at the delightful Easter Egg Hunt on Holy Saturday, he’s raring to go. Stay tuned.

The cats have been in a playful mood of late, probably for Paschaltide. Puccini usually organizes the recreation period, with Caravaggio as a reluctant participant. But Puccini mostly has a good time on his own, or with the odd animal he captures.

The Robins have about taken over the bird kingdom out here, driving out the Starlings. They’re handsome birds and figure in the Crucifixion story, so I don’t mind. But I think they have a sense of entitlement, like some wealthy people, as they built their nests over doors, and make a fuss whenever any one actually uses them. There are still some killdeer, Caravaggio’s old nemesis, now walking their young in the parking lot. Charming. Two vultures were perched on the rectory roof. I wonder what that portends.

Spring seems about two weeks advanced this year, and the Iris are already blooming, and honeysuckle are abundant. There should be plenty for May Altars. The miniature lilacs last a long time. Start May with the best of intentions.

Low Sunday was a pleasant surprise. Not so low. Visitors, local and out of state, topped our traditional numbers. It’s really quite cheering. We’ve been welcoming visitors from Pittsburgh in particular of late, as well as from Indiana, Norwood and Lebanon.

Today we’re blessing the sick, in honor of the Child Jesus, Doctor of the Sick. Why is this devotion so powerful? St. Peter Canisius explains that if we wish to be children of God, we must make the Holy Child to be born again in our hearts, He Who teaches us to be meek and humble of heart, the very model of simplicity and obedience. This is why devotion to the Holy Child is for all year long, for all life long, for healing of soul as well as body.

Our school children have prepared a charming Western themed Spring program for this afternoon at 12:50. Hope you can come! Cowboy hats optional, but the Chuck Wagon will be there.

First Communion testing and First Confessions are scheduled for this Saturday, and Confirmation for the First Saturday of June. Be sure to get in on the Confirmation if you’ve never (validly) received the Sacrament of Soldiers.

Health and healing to you all today, and a lovely month of May tomorrow. Pray with us these beautiful days of grace. Every devotion is renewed in Easter’s light and on offer this week: The Apostles, Our Lady, St. Joseph, the Holy Cross, the Sacred Heart, the Child Jesus and the Blessed Sacrament. Don’t be shy!

– Bishop Dolan