Sunday within the Octave of the Sacred Heart

Young Adult Get-Together

This summer, we are hosting a young adult get-together. We hope to draw Traditional Catholics from across the country. Visit our event website for more information.
YAG Cincinnati Website

The blessing of the bonfire on the Vigil of St. John

Congratulations Graduates!

Daily Sermons
June 6 – Fr. Lehtoranta – The End of the School Year
June 8 – Bp. Dolan – Masses of Long Lessons
June 15 – Fr. Nkamuke – Corpus Christi
June 16 – Bp. Dolan – A Contrast Between Heat & Cold
June 23 – Fr. McGuire – The Mercy of the Sacred Heart Towards Sinners

✠ The Bishop’s Corner ✠
Wasn’t Corpus Christ Sunday grand? The whole feast, the many adorations, of course, the persevering pray-er…but on Sunday the sun, quite improbably, came out for Him who is the Sun of our lives. Prayers were answered with one more little miracle, as the sun came out for the Gloria of the beautiful High Mass, and shone through the morning.

I’m writing this on Friday, and praying for more sun for this evening as the days slowly darken from the feast of Our Lord’s humble precursor, St. John the Baptist. But rain or shine the feast goes on. Thank you for your participation in it, your celebration as well as your heartfelt reparation.

At the end of June, one might well ask why we spend so much time in adoration here, year round. Well it is our world, our heritage as Catholics of course…. Corpus Christi, Forty Hours, First Friday. But if you’ve ever participated (have you?) it also gives us what we need to get through this world, in which the good Lord has placed us. What calm, what peace, what answered prayers come to those who watch by the monstrance. Mark Friday, July 7, and come by and see, as you look on Jesus’ Holy Face in the Blessed Sacrament.

Doby made a reappearance, last week helping keep our grounds beautiful, as did Brendan, and of course the Bischels and their crew (miracle workers!) as well as the man who now cuts the grass between rains. We are slowly, very slowly repairing the asphalt of the parking lot, bumpity bump. Virgil the air conditioning man came by with a crane and a new unit for the altar, which should help once it’s finally connected. The old unit on St. Joseph’s side had a little more life in it after all. And did you see the restored grotto fountain? Viola! Beautiful, and so inviting to sit a spell and tell your beads with Our Lady and St. Bernadette. Much repair and maintenance remain, but each project accomplished is no small victory, and we are grateful.

I’m heading off to Seattle tomorrow to give a retreat this week to a group of priests. Full details next week. Please pray for a good Sacred Heart retreat for these Fathers. Fr. Nkamuke is kindly singing the High Mass to-day and preaching. I know you will enjoy hearing our missionary. Fr. McKenna is heading off to North Dakota, and Spokane for a wedding. I will meet him there for Confirmations on July 2.

Sr. Jeanne Marie is at Mason Christian Village for a long rehabilitation with her broken leg. I know she would appreciate a visit, and certainly your prayers.

Don’t forget Our Lady of Perpetual Help on Tuesday. May the Sacred Heart be King of your family!

– Bishop Dolan