Epiphany II

New article by Fr. McKenna:
A Simple Advisory Regarding the New mRNA Coronavirus Vaccine
By Rev. Stephen McKenna

Recent Daily Sermons
Fr. Lehtoranta: The Humility of the Holy Family

Fr. McKenna Three Manifestations of Our Lord

Fr. Lehtoranta: St. Veronica of Milan

Fr. McGuire: Prophet Malachias’ Message

Bp. Dolan: Our Lady of Banneux

Fr. McGuire: A Hermit’s Daily Bread

Fr. McGuire: Pope of the Stables

✠ The Bishop’s Corner ✠
This is the 150th anniversary of the apparition of Our Lady of Hope in Pontmain, France. Our Lady signaled the end of the Franco-Prussian War, and singled out the great virtues of the parish priest of that town. “Virtue Signaling” the right way. It’s a charming, encouraging story. Look it up and read it today. How much we need hope.

In that same hopeful space we begin praying tomorrow for the conversion of the different non-Catholic religions. Time is short, the modern apostasy is immense, nudged by the Novus Ordo and the “Main Line” Protestant churches. May all who claim the name of Christian renounce their errors and return to Holy Mother Church. Thus we pray.

We pray for the conversion of the United States on Friday, “Abortion Day,” January 22nd. Holy Hour is at 2:25 PM, and more devotions and Benediction in the evening, as well as three Masses, make it to be a great day for prayer.

Kent Maki’s funeral is Thursday. We will miss his quiet, positive presence, and his kind smile. Kent ushered at the 7:30 for many years. A potluck luncheon follows the 11:25 Requiem Mass. Despite the Covid craziness, his wife Linda was able to be with him at the end, praying the full fifteen decades with Kent before his soul passed into eternity. His is the first death of this new year, which was only twelve days old when God called him.

I will not be giving the customary Florida seminary retreat this year. Instead, I’m inviting some priests to join our own next week for a retreat based on Fr. Cekada’s notes from a retreat he preached many years ago at Mt. St. Michael, and which was very appreciated. Please pray for its success, and give us a hand if you can, with the meals.

So far the weather has been moderate, almost Springlike at times. I wonder if we will be spared the annual January “deep freeze?” Well, if the sun comes out, it’s good enough for me.

We still haven’t recovered from the propaganda Capital coup of Epiphany, and I understand there are more doings lined up in Washington for this Wednesday. Well, we’re already praying up a storm, so let’s talk cats. I had a hard time getting a Tuxedo to replace the irreplaceable Puccini. The local shelters have complicated rules anymore. (We kill our babies, and treat our pets like children to be adopted.) Gloria finally was able to arrange for a fine ten month old feline from Pebble County. Meet Cavaradossi, or Mario, his Christian name, for short. Puccini would be pleased. He’s a delightful cat, at least when he’s not attempting to visit my many shrines and statues up close. Oh, there was also the time when he knocked my clean white shirts into the litter box, but we won’t go there.

Thank God for our Faith and our felines, for the strengths and the innocent joys of life. The world, as today’s St. Anthony once predicted, has gone crazy. Mesmerized minds, and violent hatred are all our masters have on offer, after the deluge of fear these last ten months. But America still has a prayer, and we still delight in innocent creatures, and God’s many gifts.

May Our Lady of Pontmain restore your hope.
–Bp. Dolan