Trinity Sunday

Our First Fatima Rosary Procession of 2021

“The Collected Writings of Fr. Anthony Cekada” — Now available in our online store.

✠ The Bishop’s Corner ✠
Pentecost Octave provided classic Cincinnati Summer, overcast and very warm, with the odd lurking storm. The clover has come to the lawn, but we’re waiting for a sweet June day to smell it. In the meantime, we’ve finished Pentecost and almost May.

The school children had a fun French Toast competition last week. The boys who participated showed proper pluck but Maria McConnell won. Girls probably have more practice. That day Fr. McGuire and I went over toXenia, where I spoke on Communism to the local Tea Party, which was well received.

There’s usually an uptick in confessions this weekend, as Trinity is Easter Duty Sunday. Fr. Lehtoranta and I are manning the fort. Fr. McGuire for a change decamped last week to Texas (almost as glorious a state now as Florida) and Fr. McKenna has completed his northern missions with Milwaukee. All are scheduled to return for the obligatory barbecue.

After the beautiful Confirmations (with one future soldier of Christ from as far way as Virginia) we are now in graduation season. Confirmation, however, is not graduation. It is the full complement of Baptism’s graces, our spiritual conformity to Christ by the sacramental character. For the little ones, we look forward to First Communion next Sunday, during the great Solemnity of Corpus Christi. Their souls are prepared to receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist not only by parents, priests and teachers, but by no less an august Personage than the Holy Ghost Himself.

Still, we have some fine graduates to congratulate this Spring. One of our servers graduated from Lakota earlier this month. Three of our own St. Gertrude the Great High Schoolers will be graduating in two weeks. Four home schoolers will celebrate this milestone together tomorrow. They are all fine young people of whom we are justly proud, and we wish them the best.

Tuesday is the monthly Tea Party meeting in Helfta Hall. The speaker will explain how the Democrats stole the election. All are welcome.

Tomorrow’s Memorial Day is made holy by Our Blessed Mother’s Queenship. Two Masses with May and Memorial Day Devotions in between give us an opportunity to salute our Queen and remember our dear departed. Memorial Day is our Spring All Souls Day. Oh, it’s a holiday, too, of course. Traditional barbecue…the start of Summer. Have a wonderful day.

But we’re not ready for “summer vacation” yet. Thursday is Corpus Christi, and First Friday’s All Night Adoration calls us to our knees in homage to Jesus Hostia, exposed for our loving attention two times in as many days.

Are you dressed for summer? Men and boys wear a jacket and tie here for Sunday Mass, out of respect for the Lord’s Day, because we are traditionalists. Ladies sometimes get off too easy perhaps. Men cover their arms, some twice over, the priest thrice even in warm weather. Try to come to Sunday Mass with a nice modest dress, ladies, which will cover your arms as well; or supplement your
attire with a jacket or light sweater. The air conditioning can get cold, and men get easily distracted.

How blest we are to have all we do, and to offer it to God in adoration and reparation, even as we pass it on, this precious heritage, to the next generation.

May the Blessed Trinity make you strong in the profession of our Holy Faith.

– Bishop Dolan