
The Bishop’s Note
Bishop Nkamuke’s last Sunday with us was filled with many edifying events, I think. For starters, it was really a treat to hear His Excellency give a report on his missions in Africa where there are so many good things happening to so many good souls. It is amazing to see what God is doing on that continent. We priests went out to eat at Bob Evans after the third Mass where some kind soul had paid for our meal. How thankful we were! That doesn’t happen all that often. The third thing was Charles Simpson’s talk on parenting. I don’t know what the other parents thought of it, but for me it was a second sermon for the day. If you didn’t get a chance to listen to it let me know and I may be able to send you a recording of it. It is well worth a listen!

His Excellency made it back to Nigeria safely, I am glad to report. As expected he hit the ground running, giving First Holy Communion and Confirmations. He will be busy for quite a while now. Do keep him and his young priests, Fathers Ojeka and Okerulu, in your prayers.

This past Monday, Fr. McKenna and I met with the architect to discuss plans for the addition to our rectory. The possibilities are very interesting. As perhaps mentioned before, this addition is necessary for many reasons, the first of which is for a better community spirit among the clergy here at St. Gertrude’s. All of us come from different backgrounds and are so different in many ways, but we all have the same goal of saving souls. Bishop Dolan always believed that the clergy should feel like they are one family, not just workers. He was always good about “family time” at meals and had an open door policy for the clergy to come in and talk anytime. Living in separate houses was never an ideal scenario though, and we would like to all live in the same house. Secondly, this would free up the Convento for its original purpose for which it was built—to house the Oblates. Thus the name “Convento” or Convent. Well, I must be repeating myself as I know I have mentioned these things in past bulletins.

You have probably noticed some repairs being done at church, notably on the cloister where the outside wall has begun to lean. The downspouts were not functioning properly, allowing water to seep behind the stone and rot part of the wood. I am very thankful to Joseph Simpson for arranging to have it repaired. Many a Simpson, including Fr. Simpson, has been helping with the project.

Today is Pentecost Sunday, of course, and I want to encourage everyone to come to the Pentecost Week Masses. They are so beautiful. It is so important that we practice the devotion to the Holy Ghost in these times, not only for our personal sanctification, but also for the needs of Holy Mother Church. The Holy Ghost guides and protects the Church. No force from hell or from this earth can destroy the true Church established by Christ. The Church is a divine institution and will last until the end of time. Oh! How much we should show our gratitude to the Holy Ghost for all He does.

– Bishop McGuire