Pentecost XI

August 20, 2006 – Pentecost XI – St. Bernard, AbCD – Within the Octave of the Assumption

Today is the Third Sunday of the Month. The Blessing of Expectant Mothers follows all Masses.

Thirteen Tuesdays of Saint Anthony

Our Thirteen Tuesdays devotion in honor of St. Anthony of Padua continue this week at 5:35 PM, immediately before the 5:45 evening Mass. Come to participate in this powerful devotion.

Ladies’ Evening of Recollection

Friday, August 25th, the Mothers’ Union is sponsoring a Ladies’ Evening of Recollection with 5:45 PM Mass, Benediction, and a Spiritual Talk with opportunity for questions and discussion. Confessions will be heard before the talk. Refreshments conclude the evening.

Sunday Catechism – Enrollments next Sunday!

Attention all parents : It’s that time again! Time to arrange for the instruction of our young flock in the catechism of the Faith. Registration will be held Sunday, August 27th and again, Sunday, September 3rd in Helfta Hall.

All returning teachers and anyone else interested in fulfilling the duties of this very important apostolate should contact Kathy in the Church Office no later than August 22nd. An organizational meeting will be scheduled to discuss class format and structure, communication, attendance requirements, and other particulars.

Parent, it is of utmost importance, that our young ones be fully armed in the rudiments of the Faith in these tumultuous times. We look forward to seeing you at registration.

Rosary Confraternity

The Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary will meet at the Auburn Street Abortion Clinic, Saturday, August 26th, to recite the Rosary in reparation for the crime of abortion. We will meet at 10:00 AM following the 7:30 AM MAss and a light breakfast. Everyone is invited to attend.

Next Sunday

Next Sunday is the fourth Sunday of the Month. Confessions will be heard before and during all Masses.

Set your Missal : August 27th. Pentecost XII with the commemoration of St. Joseph Calasanctius, C. Preface : Trinity.