Sermons Archive

To Arms! —Bp. Charles McGuire

Pentecost XXI

You Are in My Hands —Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

Pentecost XX

St. Michael’s Sword —Bp. Charles McGuire

Pentecost XIX

And Future Generations? —Bp. Charles McGuire

Pentecost XVIII

Stand at the Foot of the Cross —Bp. Charles McGuire

Seven Sorrows of Our Lady

Weep for Joy —Fr. Anthony Brueggemann

Nativity of Our Lady

The Loving Sacrifice of Parents —Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

Pentecost XV

Christ Calls Little Souls —Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

Pentecost XIV

How to Deal with Trad Controversies —Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

Pentecost XIII

Reasons for Suffering —Bp. Charles McGuire

Pentecost XII

An Olympic Size Blasphemy —Bp. Charles McGuire

Pentecost X

“Come Down!” They Say —Bp. Charles McGuire

Pentecost IX

Our Efforts Towards Sanctity —Fr. Stephen McKenna

Pentecost VIII

The Miracle of the Church —Bp. Charles McGuire

Pentecost VI

Love of Neighbor Sunday —Bp. Charles McGuire

Penetcost V

Led to the Father, by a Father —Fr. Stephen McKenna

Pentecost IV

Make our Hearts Like Unto Thine —Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

Pentecost III

An Invitation RSVP —Bp. Charles McGuire

Pentecost II

“Glory Be”: A Profession of Faith —Bp. Charles McGuire

Trinity Sunday

Who Leads You? —Bp. Charles McGuire

Pentecost Sunday

Essence of Woman: Heart of a Mother —Bp. Charles McGuire

Within the Octave of the Ascension

Ask the Father —Bp. Charles McGuire

Easter V

“These Things” —Bp. Charles McGuire

Easter IV

Fidelity to Promises —Fr. Vili Lehtoranta

Easter III

Devotion to the Mass and SSPX —Bp. Charles McGuire

Easter II

I Saw Water —Fr. Anthony Brueggemann

Low Sunday