Advent I

December 3, 2006 – Advent Sunday – St. Francis Xavier, C

Today is Advent Sunday, the opening of the holy season of penance and preparation for our Lord’s Birth. It is also the First Sunday of the Month. The Advent Wreath is solemnly blessed during the Procession before the High Mass.

The Blessing of Religious Articles is available after all Masses.

The Second Collection is for our seminary and mission support.

St. Nicholas is visiting our children after all Masses this morning in Helfta Hall.

The Visitation Society is holding an organizational meeting at 11:00 AM in Helfta Hall. Bishop Dolan will speak at this meeting.

The beautiful Advent Vespers are sung at 4:45 PM with Benediction.

Alter Christus

The little church is in the vestibule this morning. The ushers are collecting alms for the Alter Christus Confraternity to support priests who might not otherwise receive help. Please be generous.

Vigil of the Immaculate Conception

The 7th of December is the Vigil before the feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is a day of fast and abstinence. Everyone over 21 and under 59 years of age is bound to observe the fast. Every Catholic over the age of 7 is bound to observe abstinence. On days of fast only one full meal is allowed. Eating between meals is not permitted. Beverages including milk and fruit juices may be taken. On days of complete abstinence, meat and soup or gravy made from meat are not permitted. Therefore, on the Vigil of the Immaculate Conception you are allowed only one full meatless meal.

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Friday of this week we celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a holy day of obligation. All are bound to assist at Mass under the pain of mortal sin. The Mass schedule for the Holy Day is as follows: 6:30 AM, 9:00 AM, and 5:45 PM. Because it is a Holy Day, the abstinence is dispensed. You may eat meat this week on Friday, but not on Thursday.

Arts and Crafts

It’s only two weeks before our Sunday, December 17th, Christmas Craft Sale. How are your projects coming? You are welcome to drop off items at the church office, or call Connie Kamphaus, 513-892-1469, for more information.

We are also planning a Christmas bake sale for the same Sunday morning. Please mark your calendar, and plan on sharing some of your Christmas goodies with us to make this a great fundraising booster.

Poinsettia Memorial

We are welcoming contributions to defray the cost of the Christmas flowers. We typically use between 100-120 plants to decorate the church. If you wish to make your donation in memory of a loved one, please fill out the special Poinsettia Offering envelope available in the vestibule and pews. To have your loved one included in the special Christmas memorial, please turn in your envelope no later than December 18th.

Christmas Mass Novena

Remember your loved ones in our Christmas Novena of Masses which begins Christmas Day–the perfect gift! Envelopes may be found in the vestibule and the Gift Shop. Fill them out and return them to the Church Office or the collection basket. Envelopes must be turned in no later than December 19th.

Requiescat in pace

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Fr. Lawrence Bray, a well-known Catholic priest, who died this past week. Requiescat in pace. Amen.


I apologize for the incorrect Mass time for November 30th in last Sunday’s printed bulletin. Some lack of proofing, combined with a technical glitch, led to a real inconvenience for a number of souls, for which I beg your pardon. Should anyone be able to help with last-minute weekend proofing… please let me know!

2007 Collection Envelopes

The 2007 Collection Envelopes are available in the vestibule. Please pick up your envelopes today.


It’s not too late to visit our Gift Shop to get ready for this season of getting ready. Advent Wreaths, as well as good spiritual reading, are available. Be sure to prepare an Advent Wreath (three purple and one pink candle) for your family dining room table or shrine. Consider saying the Sunday Collect each Saturday evening when you light a new candle.

Next Sunday

Next Sunday is the Second Sunday of the Month. The Legion of Decency Pledge will take place at all Masses.

The Second Collection is for our Seminary and Mission Support.

Set your Missal

December 10th. Second Sunday in Advent with the commemorations of the Octave of the Immaculate Conception and St. Melchiades, PM. Preface: Trinity.