Advent III

December 17, 2006 – Gaudete Sunday

Christmas Confessions before and during all Masses today.

The Blessing of Expectant Mothers is available after all Masses.

Our special Children’s Christmas Alms Collection is being taken during all Masses today and in our Catechism Classes, to benefit Fr. Eldred Leslie, an elderly, poor missionary priest in South Africa. He is faithful to the true Church and Mass, and lives in most difficult conditions. Children! Please be generous! He can do a tremendous amount of good for his poor abandoned Africans, but only with your help. “And opening their treasures, they offered Him gifts..” Next Sunday it is the Adults’ turn.

The last of our Advent Vespers are sung at 4:45 PM with Benediction. This evening at Vespers the Church opens her Nativity Novena with the first of the beautiful “O” Antiphons… O Sapientia, O Wisdom. At Benediction we continue the Christmas Novena prayer as well as each day this week after Mass.

Arts and Crafts

Please visit Helfta Hall today and make a purchase at our Christmas Craft and Bake Sale.

Poinsettia Memorial

If you wish to have your memorial mentioned in the Christmas program, today is the last day to turn in your envelope. We typically use between 100-120 plants to decorate the church. If you wish to make your donation in memory of a loved one, please fill out the special Poinsettia Offering envelope available in the vestibule and pews.

Christmas Mass Novena

Remember your loved ones in our Christmas Novena of Masses which begins Christmas Day–the perfect gift! Envelopes may be found in the vestibule and the Gift Shop. Fill them out and return them to the Church Office or the collection basket.

Requiescat in pace

Please pray for the another good Catholic priest who has died. Father Ronald Silk, an Econe classmate of Fr. Cekada and Bishop Dolan, died November 26th of stomach cancer in England. May his priestly soul rest in peace.

Advent Ember Days

Wednesday, Friday and Saturday (December 20, 22 and 23) of this week are the Church’s Winter Ember Days during which we offer special prayers and sacrifices for priests and clerics preparing for ordination. Unless legimately excused, all Catholics between the ages of 21 and 59, inclusive, are bound by the Church’s laws of fast, and all who have attained their 7th year must keep the abstinence (meat once at the principal meal on Wednesday and Saturday).

You are invited

You are invited to Christmas Dinner at Church. If you have no particular plans, or would like to plan to be with us for this blessed day, please call the church to reserve a place. We need to know, however, by today, December 17th, so don’t delay. Some of you may be worried about Vespers, but be assured the meal will be finished in time for the Church’s Evening Office at 3:30 PM.

2007 Collection Envelopes

There are still a few 2007 Collection envelopes in the vestibule. If you haven’t already done so, please pick up your envelopes today.

2007 Roman Catholic Calendars

This year’s calendar, The Mass and the Passion, is available for purchase in the Book Store. The price is $6.00. They make an excellent gift. Every Catholic home should have a traditional calendar.

Clothing for the poor

This year we would like to recommend to you the charitable project of the collection of clothing for our Mexican missions. The poor are always in need of clothing. We ask that you please send only good, clean, serviceable clothing. Keep in mind what you would appreciate receiving if you found yourself in the situation of these needy people. Old, worn out, faded items that you would not wear, is really not charity. Please send all items directly to Fr. Robert Mardones, c/o 1519 Opossum Street, El Paso, TX 79928. Do not bring clothing to the church.

Next Sunday

Next Sunday is the Vigil of Christmas. A special Second Collection will be taken up for Fr. Leslie’s African Mission.

First Vespers of Christmas and Benediction are at 1:15 PM. Please note that there will be no 5:45 Evening Mass.

Set your Missal

December 24th. The Vigil of Christmas with the Commemoration of Advent IV. Preface: Trinity