Vigil of Christmas

December 24, 2006 – Christmas Eve – Advent IV

Our special Christmas Alms Collection is being taken during all Masses today to benefit Fr. Eldred Leslie, an elderly, poor missionary in South Africa. He is faithful to the true Church and Mass, and lives in very difficult conditions. Please be generous. He can do a tremendous amount of good for his poor abandoned Africans; but only with your help. “And opening their treasures, they offered him gifts…”

1st Vespers of Christmas and Benediction are at 1:15 PM.

No 5:45 Evening Mass.

2007 Collection Envelopes

There are still a few 2007 Collection envelopes in the vestibule. If you haven’t already done so, please pick up your envelopes today.

2007 Roman Catholic Calendars

This year’s calendar, The Mass and the Passion, is available for purchase in the Book Store. The price is $6.00. They make an excellent gift. Every Catholic home should have a traditional calendar.

The Rosary Confraternity

The Rosary Confraternity will meet at 10:00 AM in front of the Auburn Avenue Abortion Clinic to pray the Rosary on Saturday, December 30th. A light breakfast will follow the 7:30 AM Mass before proceeding to the abortion clinic.

The Visitation Society

The Visitation Society had a very successful meeting with Bishop Dolan highlighting several suggestions to make our visits to our sick and shut-ins more successful. Some of the suggestions include bringing a rosary and saying a decade or two, bringing scapulars and other sacramentals. Please see Kathy Bayer of call 513-779-0212 if you are in need of any. If you cannot make a visit, please send a card or make a phone call. Call Kathy for names, addresses, and phone numbers.

Next Sunday

Next Sunday is New Year’s Eve. First Vespers of the Circumcision and Benediction are at 1:15 PM. Please note that there will be no 5:45 Evening Mass.

Set your Missal

December 31st. Within the Octave of Christmas, with the Commemoration of St. Sylvester I, PC. Preface: Nativity.