Epiphany III

January 21, 2007 – Epiphany III – St. Agnes, VM

The Blessing of Expectant Mothers follows all Masses.

Chair of Unity Octave

Our annual devotion for the conversion of different non-Catholic groups continues this morning after all the Masses. This devotion concludes Thursday with the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul.

Infant of Prague

Our novena in honor of the Divine Infant continues this Friday at 5:35 PM. Come with confidence to honor our loving little King.

The Rosary Confraternity

The Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary will meet at 10:00 AM in front of the Auburn Avenue Abortion Clinic to pray the Rosary on Saturday, January 27th. A light breakfast will follow the 7:30 AM Mass before proceeding to the abortion clinic.

You are invited…

…to two fascinating lectures given by Dr. Droleskey on Sunday, January 28th: Pro-Life Report: What’s Really Happening. And Sunday, February 4th: Ratzinger: Rat or Cat? The Modernist’s Mindset. Both talks follow the 9:00 AM High Mass – at approximately 10:30 AM. A free-will offering will be taken.

Upcoming event

Friday, February 2nd – Candlemas & Winter Soup Supper.

Next Sunday

Next Sunday is the Fourth Sunday of the month. Confessions will be heard before and during all Masses. Childrens’ Confessions will be heard at 10:30 PM.

Set your Missal

January 28th. Epiphany IV, with the commemoration of St. Peter Nolasco, C and St. Agnes, VM (secundo). Preface: Trinity.