Sunday in the Octave of Ascension

May 20, 2007 – Sunday Within the Octave of the Ascension with the commemoration of St Bernardine of Siena, C

Today is the Third Sunday of the Month. The Blessing of Expectant Mothers follows all Masses. The St. Francis De Sales Scribes meet this morning at 10:45 AM. Vespers, Benediction and May Devotions are at 4:45 PM.

We must have all the forms and donations turned in to the Church Office or the Book Store no later than today from all sponsored participants.

Tuesday – Holy Name Society Meeting
The Holy Name Society is meeting this Tuesday evening, May 22nd, at 7:00 PM in Helfta Hall. Refreshments will be offered after the meeting. If you have any questions please call Rusty Halm at: 513-324-4269.

Thursday, May 24th
All children who are Confirmation candidates must attend an obligatory Day of Recollection. The day begins at 9:00 AM. Testing according to age groups. Please bring a lunch. Children should be in Sunday clothes and have a prayer book and rosary with them. The day ends with May Devotions and Benediction at 2:45 PM – Parents are invited!

Vigil of Pentecost
Saturday, May 26th, is the Vigil of Pentecost, a day of Fast and Partial Abstinence. You are invited to the beautiful Vigil of Pentecost Mass and ceremonies of Confirmation beginning at 8:00 AM (not 9:00 AM). After Mass, there will be the enrollment in the Brown Scapular and individual photos after the service.

Easter Duty
Trinity Sunday, two weeks from today, is the last day on which to fulfill your Easter Duty of a worthy Holy Communion. Those who neglect this duty are no longer Catholics in good standing and sin mortally. Pray and offer sacrifices these next two weeks for all to make a good Confession and Communion.

Next Sunday
Next Sunday is the great Feast of Pentecost. Extra Confessions will be heard during the morning Masses. The Feastday Vespers of Pentecost are at 1:00 PM with Benediction and May Devotions closing the afternoon services.

Due to the Holiday Weekend there will be NO 5:45 PM evening Mass next Sunday.

All Jog-A-Thon Awards will be given out next Sunday after the 9:00 AM Mass.
Catechism Classes are Cancelled!

Set your missal: May 27th. Pentecost Sunday (Whit Sunday). Vidi Aquam. Sequence. Holy Ghost Preface. Canon: Proper Communicantes & Hanc igitur.

May Devotions
All are cordially invited to the final days of May Devotions at 3:10 PM each schoolday afternoon. If you haven’t yet made an extra visit to Our Lady please do so. Your Mother is waiting to hear from you.

2nd Time: Erin Coffey & Jared Chamberlain

The Four(?) Musketeer’s!
Our High School Fencing Team will give a brief demonstration of their deadly expertise on Sunday, June 3rd, after the 11:30 AM Mass. Weather permitting, the demonstration will be held in the cloister area. Men and boys will find it particularly interesting.

Holy Helper Volunteers
Friday – May 25th. Friday afternoon, starting around 2:00 PM and continuing into the evening will be the cleaning and set-up for Pentecost. I would like to ask the following people to help:
The Wilker family, Sharon Patton, Katie Bischak, Jeanne Hille, Regina Gilliam, Chris Ritze, Gerry Keaveney.

Upcoming Events
• Sunday – June 10th: First Holy Communion during the 9:00 AM Corpus Christi High Mass.
• July 24th – 26th: Boys’ Camp
• August 21st – 23rd: Girls’ Camp