Solemnity of the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady

September 16, 2007 -Solemnity of the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady – Pentecost XVI – Ss Cornelius, P & Cyprian, BpMm

Third Sunday of the Month – The Blessing of the Sick Follows All Masses.

Catechism Classes are now in session for the 2007-2008 school year. Classes begin promptly at 10:30 AM. Classroom assignments are posted at the entry of each schoolroom. Parents it is not too late to sign your children up for this important time of instruction. Bring your children to class for late sign-up or contact the church office.

The annual church picnic is today at 1:00 PM at the Council Bluffs shelter in Sharon Woods Park.

Pastor’s notes…
Please do not post anything on Church bulletin boards, or leave literature available, without my approval.
Holy Communion may be received only once a day.
Please be considerate in the matter of Confession. For example, if I’m hearing confessions between the sermon and Holy Communion at the 11:30 Mass and you have just been a few day ago or have only a confession of Devotion (no mortal sins) it would be more charitable to allow those who haven’t been lately, or live at a great distance, to make their confession. Remember that Holy Communion as well as Sacramentals, properly used, forgive venial sins.
In confessing, please do not ramble on, reflect about what you should or should not have done, or provide extraneous details.
Confess your sins by number and kind, (the name of the sin) along with any details which affect the nature of the sin, and you will have enough time left for questions or spiritual guidance, or to allow someone else to go before confessions come to an end. Prepare your confessions, so you may be brief and accurate.
All teachers and parents please note: teach children to say this at the end of their confession: “For these and all the sins of my life I am very sorry, especially _____.” This way Father knows you have finished.
It is a sad thing to hear a child who has already forgotten his Act of Contrition. This means he – you – do not say night prayers. Please do.

This Week:

Ember Days
Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday this week are the Fall Ember days. Catholics between the ages of 21-59 are bound to the Laws of Fast; those who have reached their 7th year must abstain from meat on Friday. All may eat meat but once, at the principal meal, on Wednesday and Saturday. The Ember Days were instituted for a good harvest and to draw down God’s blessings upon the September ordinations. Pray for priests!

Next Sunday
Next Sunday is Pentecost XVII. Children’s Confessions are scheduled for 10:30 AM.

Set your missal– Pentecost XVII with the commemorations of St. Linus, PM and St. Thecla, VM and Our Lady & all the Saints. Preface of the Trinity.

Divine Office
It has been a long-standing tradition here at St. Gertrude’s to recite the Divine Office when possible. Vespers is celebrated regularly on Sundays and feastdays, and our high school students sing Compline every Thursday evening during the school year. Many of you, I’m sure, have attended Tenebrae during Holy Week, the Office of the Dead on All Souls Day, or maybe some of the Hours of the Corpus Christi Office sung before the Blessed Sacrament exposed.

For many, unfortunately, the complexity of the Divine Office has proved discouraging. The rubrics can prove somewhat daunting to the beginner, and until now there has been no easy “manual” for laypeople to learn how to say the Breviary. The Confraternity of Ss. Peter & Paul, based here at St. Gertrude’s has now addressed this issue and has published a thorough 216-page “e-book” explaining in detail how to recite the Breviary in general, and each Hour in particular.

For those of you unfamiliar with the term, an e-book (or electronic book) is like a regular book, except it is stored in electronic format on your computer. It is very easy to download from Confraternity Books and is available for $10.99 from Check out their website (which has over 800 traditional Catholic Books for sale) or e-mail for more details.

Kitchen Cleaning
A gentle reminder to all groups and individuals who use our beautiful kitchen. Please wash and dry all the dishes and put them away in their assigned locations. Also, wipe clean all countertops, the stove, and the refrigerators. Remove all uneaten food unless it is designated for immediate, particular use. All floors must be swept and mopped clean. This good stewardship will discourage nasty six- legged pests from establishing permanent neighborhoods indoors. Thank you very much for your cooperation.