Pentecost XVII

September 23, 2007 -Pentecost XVII St. Linus, PM – St. Thecla, VM
Fourth Sunday of the Month
Childrens’ confessions will be heard at 10:30 AM.

We’re needing some assistance in the sacristy and church work, particularly some good souls to iron albs and altar linens – even an hour or two once a month would be appreciated. This will help Sister as she recuperates from surgery. It is an honor to iron Christ’s garments. Talk to Katie Bischak. She didn’t think she could iron, but now is doing a fine job. Same with flowers!

This Week:
Tomorrow we keep the last of Our Lady’s September feasts, “of Ransom” or as popularly known the consoling title “Our Lady of Mercy.”
On Tuesday, a ferial day, we offer Requiem Masses , remembering not to forget the Poor Souls. Prayers made as it were “Through Purgatory” are especially efficacious.
I hope you all, but especially our home schooling families will remember the Tuesday 5:45 PM Mass. A year ago, when the 13th Tuesday of St. Anthony passed, some of you mentioned that this would be a convenient time for Mass, so I continue to schedule it. Don’t forget to work at least one week day Mass (preferably with a sermon for the
children) into your regular schedule.
Meanwhile, our own students are privileged to have daily High Mass and sermon. The boys learn to serve, and all the children to sing, and to draw nigh to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament daily. Lucky few!
Wednesday sees a special feast for us, our own North American Martyrs, who shed their blood in what is now upstate New York, and Canada. They should be honored, these French Jesuit missionaries, martyrs for Christ the King, as our own particular patrons.
On Thursday we honor the charming Cosmas & Damian, the “holy physicians without pay,” and representative of a happy, pre-Moslem Arabia.
Good King Wenceslaus rounds out the school week on Friday, and this year Michaelmas, the great feast of the angels and their head, falls on Saturday, the day before our own Angel Sunday.
Please note that due to the Bishop’s absence, the Mass schedule is less. Try still to attend.

Prayers Please…
In your charity please pray for Pat Harpin, Dr. and Mrs. Jack Powell, Maria Webster, Mike Ribar Sr., Father Paul Andrade, Mr. Frank Cekada.

A Prayer To Be Said by the Sick
O clement and pious Mother whose soul was pierced by the sword of sorrow, behold us poor sick beside you on the Calvary of your Jesus.
We, chosen for the sublime grace of suffering, and desiring to fulfill also in our own flesh that which is wanting in the Passion of Christ, for that Body of His which is the Church, consecrate to you our persons and our sufferings, so that you may offer them both on the altar of the Cross of your Divine Son as the humble victims of propitiation for our spiritual well-being and that of our brothers.
Accept, O sorrowful Mother, this our dedication and confirm in our hearts the great hope that, as we share the sufferings of Christ, we may thus share in his comfort here and in eternity. Amen. – Pope Pius XII

Rosary Confraternity news
A public rosary will be prayed at the Auburn Street abortion clinic on Saturday, September 29, following the last Mass. Please join us in this powerful prayer in reparation for the sin of abortion and to beseech Our Lady’s assistance in putting a quick end to this heinous crime.

Next Sunday
Father McGuire will be with us for Confession Sunday. Confessions will be heard before and or during all Masses. Fr. McGuire particularly will be available for confession from 11-11:40 AM.
The traditional Angel Sunday Blessing of Children and their dedication to their Guardian Angels will be offered after all Masses.
Early Vespers and Benediction are at 1:10 PM.
Next Sunday is Pentecost XVIII with the commemoration of St. Jerome, CD. Set your missal– Pentecost XVIII with the commemorations of St. Jerome, CD Preface: Trinity.

We Get Letters…
“We certainly hope your parishioners appreciate as well as participate in all the numerous devotions you offer them. We are jealous as very little is offered for the faithful in our church. At least we have the Mass and sacraments to partake of. We will stay some time after Mass to learn all over how to meditate in front of Our Blessed Lord in the Tabernacle.”
(From an out of state regular reader of our bulletin)