Easter V

April 27, 2008 – Easter V
Today is the Fifth Sunday after Easter. Confessions will be heard before or during all Masses for those who cannot come at regularly scheduled times. Early Vespers and Benediction are at 1:10 PM.

This Week
Today we begin a full week of prayer. Won’t you take a day or two to pray with us, and for yourself and your intentions? Tomorrow we have the first of our Rogation Days. Process with our school children at 11:00 AM on Monday and Wednesday. We have an evening observance at 5:45 on Tuesday. On Wednesday we celebrate the feast of the Holy Child Jesus, Doctor of the Sick, and great St. Catherine of Siena, who is invoked against cancer. First Vespers of the Ascension are at 2:30 PM. Thursday is the Holy Day, First Friday and First Saturday come next, along with Ss. Philip and James, the Finding of the Holy Cross, and the veneration of the relic of the True Cross.

Rogation Days
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week we observe the Rogation Days. Each year the Church gathers up all of her needs and petitions and solemnly presents them to Our Lord so that He Himself will take them to the Father when He goes home to heaven on Ascension Thursday. This is the idea of the Rogation, or Asking Days. The Rogation Days Processions are a beautiful part of the Church’s liturgy and draw down much needed grace upon ourselves, our Church and our country. On Monday and Wednesday join our school children at 11:00 AM. On Tuesday, April 29th, we are having a Parish Rogation Evening beginning at 5:45 PM with the Rogation Procession and Litany of the Saints, followed by Mass at 6:30 PM. We all have needs and petitions. Come and present them to Our Lord through the hands of His Mother – He can’t refuse her!

Ascension Thursday – Holy Day
All Catholics are bound to attend Holy Mass under pain of mortal sin on this Holy Day of Obligation. Masses are at 6:30 AM, 9:00 AM and 5:45 PM.

May Devotions
On Ascension Thursday we open Mary’s Month of May with Our Lady’s Litany and Benediction, the traditional May Devotions, after the 5:45 PM Mass. On school days, our students gather (and adults are welcome) for the May Devotions daily at 3:10 PM. Parents picking up school children, why not come a bit early and join us?

First Friday
The intention for the All Night Adoration is in honor of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, and in reparation to her Son.

Next Sunday
May Crowning, by exception, the first Sunday of May – (May 4th) is after the 9:00 AM high Mass. All First Communicants should attend and they may wear their First Communion outfits. The Blessing of Religious Articles is available after the morning Masses, at communion rail. Set your missal: Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension; Vidi Aquam; 2nd Col Com. of St. Monica; 3rd Col Com. of the Octave of the Ascension; Preface of the Ascension; Proper Communicantes. Vespers, May Devotions, and Benediction at 4:45 PM.

Upcoming Events
The Day of Recollection for all children being confirmed on the Vigil of Pentecost will be on Thursday, May 8th from 9:00 AM to 3:25 PM. Attendance is mandatory for all child confirmands. Please provide a sack lunch for your child.

First Fatima Rosary Procession Tuesday, May 13th, at 7:00 PM.

Mother’s Day Envelopes
Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 11th. Envelopes can be found in the pews or in the vestibule for the Mother’s Day Mass Remembrance. What better way to remember your mother, grandmother, or any special mother but at Holy Mass. Simply fill out the envelope and return it to us before Mother’s Day.

Attention: Adult Confirmands
Preparation for Confirmation booklets are available in the gift shop. Please be sure to stop in and purchase your copy.

Food for Thought…
One must wonder what sort of irrational emotionalism goes so far to overlook, if not attempted to justify, the offenses given to the Most Holy Trinity when the man who believes himself to be, albeit falsely, the Vicar of Christ on earth stood up and received with warmth, equanimity and respect the symbols of five false religions, each which is loathed by God: Talmudic Judaism, Mohammedanism, Jainism, Hinduism, and Buddhism. A true Vicar of Christ stands up for no one. No one. For any reason. At any time, no less to touch with his own priestly hands a menorah, a copy of the Koran (a book that blasphemes Our Lord and His Most Blessed Mother and calls for the death of infidels), a metallic cube of significance to the Jainist devil-worshippers, a brass incense burner with the word “Om” on it that is cherished by the Hindus, and a bronze bell that is sounded to lead the Buddhists to worship their devils. No Catholic in his right mind would dare to show any respect or honor these symbols, no less a pope who believes himself to be the Successor of St. Peter on earth.
–Dr. Thomas Droleskey

Lumen Christi
For the next fortnight the Sanctuary Lamp will burn before the Blessed Sacrament for: A Special Intention, Kent Maki

to Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Johns on the baptism of their daughter Raissa Anne last Saturday.

Did you know?
The faithful who on the Rogation Days devoutly assist at the sacred ceremony proper to those days in churches or public oratories are granted and indulgence of 10 years. A plenary indulgence may be gained under the usual conditions of confession, Holy Communion, and prayer for the Church. The faithful who during the month of May take part in public exercises in honor the the Blessed Virgin Mary may gain an indulgence of 7 years on any day of the month or a plenary indulgence if they assist at the exercises on at least ten days, and moreover go to confession, receive Holy Communion, and pray for the Church.