Solemnity of the Most Holy Name of Mary

zelusdomustuaeBishop’s Corner

Another Season starts this September Sunday, under the perfect patronage of the Most Holy Name of Mary. May her name be ever on our lips, so that Jesus’ Holy Name may reign in our hearts, homes and society.

Welcome back to our dear Sunday School students. (Adults, remember classes are open for you too: you may attend the Adult Education in the school office, or profitably sit in on Dominic O’Donnell’s High School Apologetics course. Special thanks go to our devoted teachers who gives so much, and do a lot for a few with a little!

Our own school is well underway, with a particularly spirited Kindergarten class. Fr. Larrabee has joined our devoted staff, and Fr. Ramolla returns for another year.

Attend the 11:20 School Mass with us if you can, or assist at it spiritually with the webcasting. Two dear ladies of the parish celebrated significant birthdays in August, and yet manage to stay just as young as ever. Our best wishes and prayers go to Barb Steinmetz and Beckie Mattingly.

Dads, be sure your boys are getting in on the weekly Knights of the Sacred Heart, with Fr. Larrabee and volunteer fathers every Monday afternoon at 4:00 PM.

Don’t forget the Ember Days this week. Speaking of sacrifices, we could sure use you for an hour or two every now and again to help clean in the church, or iron in the sacristy.

Please let me know if you can spare the time for Jesus and His Father’s House. Serious times call for serious prayer. Can you come to Holy Cross Vespers and Benediction this afternoon, and to the Fatima Rosary Procession the evening? Collect a carload of faithful, and come on over! This Season, we’re starting with serious prayer!

God bless you! -Bishop Dolan