St. Peter’s Chains

Bishop’s Corner

August, Summer’s last month starts today, our Sunday of St. Peter’s Chains here in Cincinnati, with the Titular or Patronal feast of the Metropolitan Cathedral. August is the month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and of the Divine Wisdom. May Our Lady teach us the wisdom of chaining ourselves as willing servants of her Heart. This humble Handmaid of the Lord will then show us the practical wisdom in daily life of her True Devotion.

May God reward the charity of those who came and cooked, as well as for our benefactors who gave, to make our Boys’ Camp possible. It was a wonderful work of Divine Providence. One day we were not at all sure of the schedule and program, but the next day all was in place. I was especially touched by the willing generosity of the mothers who prepared meals, and the fathers who came to help. The boys, 22 in number, seem to have had a fine time, and are looking forward to next year. These kinds of activities do so much good for everyone involved, as well as the parish as a whole. Deo Gratias! I thank Fr. McGuire and Fr. Larrabee for their successful first efforts at organizing a boys’ camp, and Charles Simpson for adding his considerable experience, as well as Patrick Omlor. Well done, men!

More Sacred Heart Badges, of another design, have been blessed and are available in Church today. We have a number of Little Rose Ferron items which will be soon available in our gift shop, or for distribution in Church. Let us all take advantage of all of the blessings and protection which are available to us.

Today is the Ordination anniversary of our Ukrainian priest, Fr. Valerii Kudriavtsev. Please pray for his protection and God’s blessings upon his apostolate in a troubled part of the world, still groaning under Russian (old Communist) hegemony.

God reward you for your charity, especially for what you do for our children. May Our Lady keep you in her Heart and bless us all during her month of August.
–Bishop Dolan

Click the photo above for a slide show from our Summer girls camp and our St. John’s Eve bonfire.