Pentecost XX

Fr. Carlos Ercoli
On Rosary Sunday, Fr. Carlos Ercoli gave a very moving talk, “My Path to the Priesthood.” If you missed our Rosary Sunday breakfast, be sure to listen to it here.

Bishop’s Corner
How was your first Rosary week? Did you remember to shove back the plates, and pass out the beads, and pray together? For our part, we have been fervently praying Rosaries here in church before the Blessed Sacrament. Let’s all be motivated to pray the Rosary by our country’s great needs, and pray to and for the Poor Souls so we have their powerful assistance. Remember: Thirty days of Rosaries for our Land.

What a great Rosary Sunday we had. Surely, as bidden, St. Dominic arose and chased the gloom away. From a shining High Mass and Procession to the brightly decorated Confraternity Breakfast, everything spoke of serene faith and renewed, joyful dedication. Fr. Ercoli’s fine talk on his road to the priesthood held everyone’s interest. You’ll be hearing from us soon, Confraternity members, about meeting plans and Rosary making instructions.

This holiday weekend ends with a beautiful and fitting tribute to Catholic hero and navigator Columbus, coinciding with the feast of the Motherhood of the Virgin Mary. I am in Milwaukee for the weekend, and Fr. Cekada leaves early this afternoon for his first seminary teaching week of the school year. Fr. Larrabee is preaching today, and I know you’ll all be happy for the change.

Our days are dry, but the drought is almost hidden by blue skies and favorable temperatures. Take advantage of a fine October evening and turn out this Wednesday for the final Fatima Rosary Procession. Its candlelight stands for giving light to a dark, dark world.

May Our Lady and her Rosary brighten your days with Christ’s Light. I send a blessing,
–Bishop Dolan