Last Sunday After Pentecost

Bishop’s Corner
St. Gertrude’s feast brought a good soaking rain all day, sure sign of Heaven’s blessings, to break the drought which has afflicted us here since June. There may still be time for us to enjoy a bit of fall before winter comes to stay. Let us pray the rains continue to repair the damage done by during the long dry weeks of summer.

The Forty Hours seeks to repair the damage done by our carelessness in prayer. We tend too much to presume upon God’s provident mercy and neither ask for His blessings nor for His pardon at our neglect of prayer. May the refreshing rains of grace fall upon us, and all for whom we pray, these wonderful days of Forty Hours.

Thirty years under roof! What memories, what gratitude (and regrets) fill our hearts as we fall on our knees and remember, and remember to pray. Do remember to come back a little this afternoon, won’t you? And don’t forget the closing procession at 6:45 PM, and our festive anniversary supper afterwards. God reward your remembering, your help these days, your prayers! May the good gained by our devotion this weekend be of benefit too, for at least another thirty years…under roof!

Speaking of roofs, our ceiling will soon be painted to complete our autumn face lift. The colors are warm and bright, aren’t they?

Thanksgiving Day this year will have great meaning for us all, won’t it? So much to be thankful for! Do enjoy yours, and remember to add some prayers for your church, as well as your family and land.

Advent will soon be here. (Hard to believe, isn’t it?)Don’t forget your Advent wreath, and some thought (after Thursday’s turkey) to Sunday’s somber note of preparation for Our Lord’s coming. May He find us ready!

–Bishop Dolan