
Bishop’s Corner
I was speaking with Fr. Hecquard the other day. He remembered fondly his stay with us last winter, and sends his prayerful greetings along with the report that France is also enjoying an early spring. The French call such mild weather (perfect days, really) “doux;” literally, sweet. And indeed how sweet have been these first sunny days of March, St. Joseph’s month.

March has come in like a lamb. Let us show ourselves to be lamblike during these days of grace. I mean Lent, of course, but also the weeks after the death of those two good souls who pray for us as we do for them, Ernie and Bernie. Their simple, charitable way towards all shows us how we can build on the progress recently made towards healing some of the painful divisions in our midst. Let our goal be this Lent to see, if not unity, at least the cessation of hostilities, of attacks and prohibitions of the sacraments directed against our innocent fellow Catholics. Let there be some progress towards this charity among all Catholics who reject the antichrist church of the Novus Ordo. This is our prayer.

Divisions have their birth in hatred. But hatred never stamps out hatred. It makes temporary alliances, true, but only spreads hatred the more. Let us pray very, very much; say little about the distant or recent past, and sincerely try to pass ourselves off as lambs, although we have more than a little wolf within.

This is Holy Face Sunday. One of the promises Our Lord makes to those who honor His Holy Face is to “settle the affairs of their household.” Pray the Triduum with us through Tuesday. Take the leaflet home and use it. As you pray, remind Our Lord of His promise, and ask for the affairs of His household, the Church, to be settled in peace.

We had our school Requiem High Mass and Absolution for Bernie this week. Last Sunday was Rita’s third anniversary. I remember Bernie’s great generosity, his support for our church and school. He died a poor man, with very little, having given everything away. Towards the end, he even signed over the monthly checks he received from Bavarian, the company he headed for many years. May God repay his charity.

Another charitable soul who helped St. Clare church, and Fr. McGuire as a seminarian, was Betty Jolliffe of Circleville. The family, again, made no provision for a funeral for her. Fr.McGuire celebrated her Requiem Tuesday, and I her Absolution and burial rites, with the assistance of Fr. McGuire and our school servers. Let none be forgotten, especially our benefactors.

I am visiting Milwaukee this Quinquagesima Sunday, last before Lent. Enjoy the days of Shrovetide and Mardi Gras. but return to church this Wednesday, and receive your ashes in a contrite spirit as you begin your Lent. We’ll be in church all day, with many Masses and services. I hope to see you at one of them. Be a lamb this Lent!

–Bishop Dolan