Low Sunday

Bishop’s Corner
All outdoors seemed a great Easter basket this past Thursday, filled with tall green grass under sunny skies, and an Easter Bunny as well. These were my thoughts that morning as I spied a rabbit from my window. I hope you too enjoyed the sunny skies which returned at last, after so much rain.

Let us pray for the many souls who suffered from the spring storms last month. May they all know the Easter peace of these blessed days, and help and healing from God’s tender care.

I thank God for such a beautiful, calm and spiritual Holy Week. The cool weather cooperated, and made the singing and serving go well. I wish again to thank you for your help and cooperation for these beautiful and memorable days. I shall remember in particular all of the young people and children who participated and so very well in Our Lord’s Passion, Death and Resurrection.

Good Friday night was quite a scene. Many families came for Tenebrae’s closing earthquake, and all of the little feet afterwards created another one, as the children eagerly fanned out over the church doing different tasks to prepare for Saturday’s Easter Vigil.

Sometimes people worry about who will continue after us. We needn’t. Not only does the Mother of Good Counsel always provide, but we can actually see our future in the many enthusiastic and pious children with which our church is blessed.

This is my precious Holy Week 2011 memory. Thanks be to God, the Mother of God, and St. Gertrude the Great!
With an Eastertide Blessing in Our Lady,
-Bishop Dolan