Pentecost XIII

We have resumed our normal webcast schedule with our daily 11:20 AM school Masses.


Bishop’s Corner
Summer’s stormy exit early morning last Sunday left us with cool, overcast and early Autumn for Labor Day, and … left us in the dark. The first Mass in the still warm church was offered by candlelight on Sunday morning, and our deacon, under such adverse conditions (no microphone at all) acquitted himself admirably for his first sermon, shedding light on the priest as the Good Samaritan. The light itself returned during the High Mass at the “Lumen de Lumine” of the Creed, surely a Gertrudian moment.

Meanwhile, I had a perfectly smooth (except for some bumpy moments on the plane) trip to Louisiana. I thank you for your prayers. Two brothers were confirmed and made their First Communion, and I was able to visit with quite a few of the stalwart faithful of Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel, which celebrated its thirty-sixth anniversary on September 7th. The devout Dominican, then Father McKenna, (now bishop) offered the first Mass in the converted general store.

I also had a nice visit with the local friendly friar, Fr. Francis Miller, OFM, of Christ the King Chapel in Lafayette, La. Father has been very generously helping us with the chapel sick calls, and funerals, which spare us northerners the long trip. This fraternal assistance also demonstrates the true charity which should animate those who are one in faith.

I spoke with Fr. Florian Abrahamowicz of Treviso, Italy the other day. Father paid us a quick but warm visit last May, and reports that his tour of sedevacanist North America and now, of Europe, was most enlightening and encouraging to him. Priests everywhere told him the same thing about the state of the Church and papacy, even though, everyone says, they may disagree with their brethren on other topics! For a priest who only recently left the Pius X Society, this was a real eye opener.

Fr. Abrahamowicz lives near the birthplace of St. Pius X at the “Marcel Lefebvre House,” and was happy to report an attendance of 130 for the feast day of St. Pius X last Sunday. Father wishes to honor the good legacy of the Archbishop, and not that of unfortunate compromise and confusion.

Meanwhile, Ratzinger, preparing to pay his homage to the Lutherans in Germany, summons this week the Lefebvrians to Rome for more “negotiations.” In my day, you just obeyed the pope. St. Pius X himself was rather strict on the subject, as I recall.

How wonderful this past Thursday to see so many children for Mary’s Birthday Mass and blessing and party! The innocence and the enthusiasm of our little ones always cheers us, and is its own reward for our selfless school and catechism teachers. Our school year has begun, and we are looking forward to our kindergartners this week.

I leave this Friday for three Sundays in France. Fr. Roger is severely short on priests, and I thought I would offer to help a little, even though it entails so long an absence. God willing I will return on the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, October 4th, just in time for Forty Hours.

We plan to observe Rosary Sunday (October 2nd) this year with the Blessing of Roses before the High Mass, at the Lourdes Grotto, followed by a procession into Church for Mass.

Forty Hours opens on First Friday, on the feast of the Rosary itself, October 7th, with 5:45 PM Mass and Procession. Our Seminarians will be with us for the three Solemn High Masses. On Sunday morning October 9th, we hope to make up last June’s missing Blessed Sacrament Procession combined with the Rosary, and then conclude with the annual Confraternity Communion Breakfast. The Forty Hours will conclude, as usual, on Sunday evening with the closing procession and litany. Plan to pray and process with us these days of grace, as we interlink the Mysteries of the Rosary with the Mystery of Faith.

I’ve asked our own John Lynch, who with his wife Rhonda (Philothea Press) published Fr. Cekada’s monumental Work of Human Hands, to be our Communion Breakfast speaker this year. John will speak to us about the book, the Mass, the Modernist victory the New Mass represents, and the Catholic reconquest now fully underway. This will be a very interesting talk to conclude a wonderful and uplifting morning. The church services are open to all, but the Confraternity Breakfast is by ticket only. Ask Gloria to save you one today! You will not want to miss this breakfast, or one single part of this year’s “Rosary Forty Hours.”

Speaking of the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, I do want to thank those who watched and prayed with us on First Friday night, as well as the good sized group which turned out for the Masses, and to make a Communion of reparation.

May the Holy Name of Mary comfort and cheer you for the combat, and lead you to victory.

–Bishop Dolan