Christ the King

2012 Saints
Our 2012 Little Saints

We’d like to call your attention to recordings of two recent, excellent radio shows produced by Restoration Radio.

The first is with Bp. Dolan, on the topic of the feast of Christ the King:

The second is with Bp. Sanborn, on the documents produced by the Second Vatican Council:

This school year, as time permits, we will be publishing daily sermons from the previous week. Check back daily for additional sermons:

Oct. 19, 2012: St. Peter of Alcantara by Fr. Lehtoranta
Oct. 22, 2012: The Propagation of the Faith by Fr. Lehtoranta
Oct. 24, 2012: St. Raphael by Bp. Dolan
Oct. 25, 2012: Ss Chrysanthus and Daria by Bp. Dolan
Oct. 26, 2012: St. Evaristus by Bp. Dolan

✠ The Bishop’s Corner ✠
Mild Indian Summer (too early to call it “St. Martin,” but the former term is actually pejorative, as in “Indian giver”) closed the Rosary month, a month of graces, prayers and triumphs. Today Our King, escorted by the young innocent members of His court, comes to reign in our midst. His plan and program is the only thing sane and serene in the storm of an election year. But if we stay with King Jesus and His Queen Mother, we will not only survive, but thrive.

We look forward to continuing Christ the King’s conquests throughout this blessed week: All Saints and All Souls, and next Sunday’s grateful confident opening of the Twelve Sundays of the Mother of Good Counsel. After a brief rest, the middle of November brings us St. Gertrude’s Day and All Night (all weekend) Adoration: The Forty Hours Devotion. Beloved traditions of our church, they define our Autumn and form our youth, and furnish us with strength and supernatural vigor.

Fine weather and open doors facilitated our New Mexico pilgrimage on Friday the 19th. A handful of devout souls joined Fr. Cekada and me for Mass in Santa Fe’s famous Loreto Chapel with its miraculous St. Joseph staircase, followed by the chanting of the Litany of Loreto. After a picnic breakfast in the beautiful Santa Fe sunshine, we went to the Cathedral of St. Francis to venerate La Conquistadora, and sang the Salve before this ancient image of Our Lady, the oldest in America.

A fine Martyrs’ Cross overlooking the city honors the 21 Franciscan missionaries slain in the Pueblo Revolt of 1680. After making our devotions there, we drove to Chimayo, to Our Lord of Esquipulas. This shrine is knows for its miracles, and miraculous dirt. We humbly knelt and prayed the sorrowful mysteries there, joined by many pilgrims.

Our last call was to the Holy Child Jesus, a neighboring chapel built as a result of a long-ago split, now forgotten. The Holy Child here, as in Atocha, is said to go about at night doing good but soiling His little shoes. Pilgrims offer replacements, which line a side chapel. One of ours brought a larger pair, in case the Holy Child ever goes out as a twelveyear-old.

When we returned last Saturday night, Fr. Cekada and I were delighted with the beautiful new Fatima shrine shining softly in the darkness, as well as with the considerable progress in the cloister completion. The stones make all of the difference. God continues to bless St. Gertrude the Great. May she always be great by blessing God, professing the true Faith, and sanctifying each day with devout worship, especially Sunday. Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints!

Last Monday we visited the old White House restaurant on Mulhauser Road, now re-christened as Casa Bianca (get it?), a promising and reasonably priced Italian eatery. We enjoyed our dinner, and I thought I’d mention it in my corner, as it is “just around the corner” from church.

Come again, won’t you, for Thursday and Friday, the Holy Day and the “Help” day for our Poor Souls. Keep your balance these crazy days by keeping with Christ the King.

May His Reign extend over our beloved America, our homes and children, and deep in our souls.

–Bishop Dolan