Easter III, Solemnity of St. Joseph

Our school students sing at the conclusion of their 2015 Spring Program.

Our Kindergarteners and First Graders sing “Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone.”

The Gloria Returns!

Here is just the organ piece (Marsh Fanfare) from the video above, minus the bells.

Daily Sermons
April 20 – Fr. Lehtoranta – How We Live the Holy Trinity
April 21 – Fr. Lehtoranta – St. Anselm and Benjamin Bunny
April 22 – Fr. Lehtoranta- St. Joseph, Protector of Church and Faithful
April 23 – Bp. Dolan – Dragon Slaying
April 24 – Bp. Dolan – Get a Crown

✠ The Bishop’s Corner ✠
Last Sunday after Vespers the robin in my garden was out in the rain standing in a puddle, bobbing fiercely up and down, like a Jew saying his daily prayers. Maybe the bird was looking for worms. I wonder if this is the same bird who has joined the cardinal in attacking the patio door? Robins have nested on a crate in the cloister, and the mother tends her little blue eggs faithfully. We have a lot of robins this year joining the killdeer on the grounds. Birds are good, and this is about as ecological as we get, as they eat bugs, so we welcome them.

The cats do their part by going after birds though it is very rare for them to snare any. So far the bunnies have escaped the kitties. Fr. Lehtoranta was telling the children the other day about St. Anselm, St. Francis-like, offering refuge under his horse to a rabbit, fleeing hunters. All of the saints really are this way. Benjamin Bunny also figured in the sermon, which was avidly received by the little ones. The other day we did dragons for St. George. Remember that on a good day you can follow the High Mass and sermon on the Internet, or catch up on some past ones on our website.

We are looking forward to seeing and hearing the children perform their Spring Aiere this afternoon, as well as to eating some of Dominic’s famous spaghetti. Don’t miss it.

Spring was particularly beautiful this past week. Maybe it was the harsh winter, or all of the April rain that brought out the flowers in such abundance. We didn’t even mind the cold, accompanied as it was by Brother Sun, and slowing down our “global warming” a bit. They had their Earth Day last Wednesday and we our Solemnity of St. Joseph. “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.” I wish we could sell this Wednesday Feast in Eastertime to you all. Can we ever honor “the quiet man in the corner” enough? Still, the weekday feast of St. Joseph enables us to venerate him with a Solemn Mass, as the priests (whom he protects) are in from the missions, and today everybody else can get it on the celebration later on Sunday.

The knockout roses took a real hit this winter, but many are starting to show signs of life. The other morning Doby was out in the cold sunshine, duly masked, and spraying the evergreens for the bag bugs which come in the summer. This early attack should save the bushes. We were out early yesterday morning int he cold Spring air “beating the bounds”, the old English name for chanting the Litanies in Procession, marking the Greater Litanies, praying God to get rid of Bergoglio and his bugs which infest Rome and all the Church with their deadly errors. These are the days to storm Heaven for help, especially through St. Joseph, Protector of the Catholic Church.

We had our “Low Sunday” last week, with a low attendance and much illness, I fear. Probably the weather didn’t help. But this week leads into beautiful May. May it lead everyone back to Church, back to Mary. Be sure to have your family May Altar. Do not forget your Blessed Mother in daily family prayer, even as your church family here will be honoring her with the daily Litany of Loreto. (The Omlors were at the Holy House of Loreto the other day, and I’m sure they prayed for us all.) First Friday and Saturday some this week, and call out for good men and women to come and adore. It seems that all of our devotions come to the fore now with the happy Paschal feasts. You should come as well, busy as these days be with Spring activities. Come with joy, come with appetite. We should be as avid in prayer as Orthodox Jews, or as birds bobbing in the rain, looking not for worms, worshiping not what we know not, but the one true God, and looking for Life eternal, and every blessing for God and man. Blessed May Day, blessed Mary month to you!

Bp. Dolan