Christ the King

After the closing 40 Hours procession with the Blessed Sacrament, in which the children lined the path with rose pedals, Fr. McGuire places the Host back into the tabernacle.

50 souls, walking and praying with candles, attended our final public Fatima Rosary procession for the year.


Daily Sermons
October 20 – Fr. Lehtoranta – St. John Cantius and School of Life
October 21 – Fr. Lehtoranta – Life of St. Maria Goretti
October 22 – Fr. Lehtoranta – Good King Richard Lionheart
October 23 – Fr. McGuire – The Blessed Sacrament: Son of God
October 24 – Fr. McKenna – What Do Angels Do?

✠ The Bishop’s Corner ✠
The visit of the relics of St. Maria Goretti to Ohio, the Forty Hours Devotion, and your visit to Our Eucharistic King…what days and hours of grace are these! They form as well, I think, our perfect action and reaction to the revolution against morality which just concluded in Rome. Here, in the shadow of the tabernacle we will dwell in safety. Here, at the Communion Rail, marriages will find their strength, morality will triumph over moral relativism, and our innocent children will persevere in virtue, fed by Angel’s Break. Come, Let us adore!

We opened and closed our St. Maria Goretti pilgrimage with her votive Mass on Wednesday, and many of you traveled to Columbus to venerate her relics. Today we have the culmination of our Forty Hours Prayer. We come to church and return again not to venerate precious relics, but the very Body of Jesus Christ, living on our altar, showing Himself “as though slain.” Make a visit this afternoon. Come back for closing service this evening.

Great observances such as this demand much preparation and cooperation for the ceremonies and music and altars and refreshments. God reward those who gave of themselves for His glory, enable our children, “as though those born out of due time,” to see and live and grow up with these ceremonies which express and nourish our faith.

Now…back to the roof. I spoke too soon about racoon resistant insulation. Last Saturday, during October Devotions, a ravenous racoon was making a great racket, chewing away at the insulation so as to get into church before Winter. Fr. Cekada saved the day by throwing mud clumps as the determined mammal, and quiet was resumed as he dispersed the invader. But this is probably only a provisional solution, as Father is usually either saying the Mass, or playing the organ, and thus not available for “raccoon on the roof” duty. There was some talk of a steel plate to seal the breached wall. We are guardedly hopeful.

The beautiful feast of Christ the King, when nature clothes itself in royal robes of gold, gives way next week to All Saints. We look forward to seeing our children robed in the glory of saints for All Saints Day next Sunday at 9AM. The children will process into Mass, and afterwards some will give a little presentation on their chosen saint, and all are welcome to the part. (All are always welcome to the party at St. Gertrude the Great!)

Elaine Pawinski of our Milwaukee church, St. Hugh, is a great-grandmother of the children of our Mary Rose (Uhlenbrock) and Billy Young, and herself a distinguished and beloved figure in the church. She had to attend a Confirmation in the Pius X Society for some grandchildren of hers, but made good for it afterwards, as she approached the Bishop Tisier de Masserais. “Why do you put the name of a Satan-worshipping Free Mason in the Canon of the Mass?” she politely inquired. The bishop only gave her one of those insipid smiles that bishops are known for. She repeated her question, he repeated his smile. Milwaukee standoff. At this point her embarrassed daughter whisked her away. For her punishment she was not allowed to go to the party. But we think she deserves a party and high praise. She has not forgotten what it means to be a soldier of Christ.

Be soldiers of the King. Stand, kneel in attendance at His throne, and confront the traitors who betray their vows.

Yours in Mary Our Queen,

Bp. Dolan