Last Sunday After Pentecost

Some of our school students are offered piano lessons during the school day. We had a recital this weekend at a local nursing home.

Bp. Dolan blesses our new organ after Mass today, the feast of St. Cecilia.

Andrew Richesson plays Bach’s “Dorian” Toccata, during the organ dedication ceremony.

Daily Sermons
November 16 – Bp. Dolan – A Day of Blessings. St. Gertrude’s Day
November 17 – Fr. Lehtoranta – St. Hugh of Lincoln and His Discipline
November 18 – Fr. Lehtoranta – Church, the Tabernacle of God with Men
November 19 – Fr. Lehtoranta – St. Elizabeth and Her Love for God
November 20 – Fr. Lehtoranta – St. Felix of Valois and Love for Solitude

✠ The Bishop’s Corner ✠
As Thanksgiving nears, we mark with gratitude milestones both great and small, for they are all reminders of God’s mercy and calls for us “to give thanks constantly.” November 12 was the 100th anniversary of Fr. Martin’s birth. He left this earth just three years ago, full of good works, a true friend and benefactor to us at St. Gertrude the Great.

Someone remarked to me last week how moving is that hymn “A Priestly Heart, the Sacred Heart,” which served as the processional as stately servers and clergy entered church on St. Gertrude’s Day, Fr. McGuire’s 10th anniversary. Thank God for priests both young and old, for parents who provide them, and dedicated teachers who prepare them, as well as for the faithful whom they serve, and who care for them in return. We all have so much for which to give thanks. “Be in these things,” the Apostle says. Or, “Stay on the sunny side,” as the old song goes.

Our mild sunny weather continued through much of St. Gertrude’s Day. The school choir sang beautifully for the occasion, and Mark and Joan Lotarski and family provided a beautiful luncheon buffet for the happy occasion which hosted so many of you. The McGuires from Chillicothe were with us, and Fr. Thielen who was also able to join us for awhile as we celebrated our anniversary and Fr. McGuire’s together with the first vows of the Sisters of Our Lady of Reparation. Congratulations all around!

Oh, the devil did try a trick or two to disturb things, including the old tactic of malfunctioning smoke detectors. But the angels came to our rescue, and silence was restored for the beautiful Solemn High Mass and Vow Ceremony. Thanks to all who helped behind the scenes. Fr. Cekada was, as usual, wearing several hats that day.

Don’t forget Advent preparations this week. When “Thanksgiving Sunday” coincides with Advent Sunday, the start of this serious season of spiritual preparation tends to be overlooked, as somebody declares “Let the party begin!” I wish you a good, generous spiritual Advent, full of holy longing and true devotion, source of all lasting joy. Start thinking, start planning.

See you at Mass on Thursday? Get a head start that way for Advent, and go to the very heart of this dear old holiday.

“Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.”

—Bishop Dolan