Easter IV

Our “Guard Turkey” takes a break from his post…..

….to pay homage to St. Jude:

Daily Sermons
April 18 – Fr. McKenna – St. Joseph: Living in the Presence of God
April 19 – Fr. Lehtoranta – How Mary Followed St. Joseph
April 20 – Fr. Lehtoranta – The Death of St. Joseph
April 21 – Bp. Dolan – Freedom from Slavery
April 22 – Bp. Dolan – Youthful Joy

✠ The Bishop’s Corner ✠
There was a wild turkey in the cloister garden the other day. It was probably charmed, as were we all, by the vernal beauty of this peaceful oasis, all abloom with tulips and daffodils. Mark Lotarski caught the visitor on film, and posted the picture on our website.

One of the blessings of an early Easter is that all of April is given over to the Resurrection and then good St. Joseph, and finally to Our Lady’s cherished titles and devotions: Our Lady of Consolation, the Mother of Good Counsel. We return to Easter thoughts on this fourth Sunday after, but already are looking to-wards Ascension and Pentecost and the great culmination of Corpus Christi.

Today we have our annual School Program and Spaghetti Dinner: Fine, wholesome, and terribly cute entertainment, followed by an excellent spaghetti dinner. This is priceless today, so we’re not charging any-thing for it. We’re calling it “A Spring Fling.” Hope to see you there.

These beautiful Spring days have flung several of us about terribly with allergies and their assorted symptoms. Please do keep Fr. Cekada in your prayers, as he continues to be troubled by his infection. And always so much work to do! God’s Holy Will be done.

Speaking of work, consider the wonderful lesson of the Mystical Body of Christ. We rightly refuse to be “one with” or una cum the heretics of the Novus Ordo. But we should remember that we are one with Our Lord in the one true Church, and with each other as well.

This true communion is demonstrated not only at the Communion Rail, but also at church in general. If everybody does something, at least a little, it would get done, and done well, without being a burden for the same few who do so much. So, help us by your contribution not only in the collection, but also by cleaning. An hour or two some Saturday, a little gardening in the evening, some ironing at home or church, these are all needs of ours. Drop off a meal, pick up a project, or a broom or a rake. If everyone does a little, it would get done. If you need a suggestion, speak to me.

The same Mystical Body approach applies to assisting at some from time to time of the extra Masses and ceremonies we offer at St. Gertrude all week long. Help us out! Encourage the troops. Come to morning or afternoon Mass, to Friday night devotions. Come to Sunday afternoon Vespers sometimes. It you did it, any of the above, what help you would give, what encouragement. Why not organize an activity or get together for Sunday “sixish” or Friday after seven by saying “see you after Benediction”?

The coming month of May, with its feasts and devotions and sacraments will call for just such a spirit. No Vespers today (they resume next Sunday) but we do chant Compline after the last Mass. Tomorrow we keep the ancient and powerful prayer of the Procession of the Greater Litanies. The school children wouldn’t mind if you joined them! The angels would be positively gleeful to see you. Assist actively, devoutly, at the sacred ceremonies and you will be assisting!

Let us ask today’s St. Fidelis to be faithful, dear faithful. To give is a great way to assure you and yours will continue to receive all the graces you need. I pray for you to receive this blessing, and “pass it on.”

Yours in Our Mother of Good Counsel,

—Bishop Dolan