Trinity Sunday

Our New Soldiers of Christ

Children lining up for our May Crowning procession. They will receive the sacrament of Confirmation on the Vigil of Pentecost, and their First Holy Communion on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi.

Daily Sermons
May 16 – Fr. Lehtoranta – Make the Correct Choice
May 17 – Fr. Lehtoranta – St. Anastasia
May 18 – Fr. Lehtoranta – St. Eric of Sweeden, the Good King
May 19 – Fr. Lehtoranta – The Beggar King Hagag
May 20 – Fr. Lehtoranta – Breakdown

✠ The Bishop’s Corner ✠
We’re still basking in the fiery glow of the Holy Ghost and Confirmation and Pentecost as I write this, but ready to move on to the Holy Trinity tomorrow, and the height of God’s Works, His presence with us and within us in the Blessed Sacrament. This Thursday is Corpus Christi.

Corpus Christi Sunday will be the end of our choir season. Our devoted ladies and young ladies take a little rest (although the men of the schola sing on [God love them] all Summer long). The timing works out well this season, as our devoted organist, Fr. Cekada, will be in and out of sick bay. We are grateful to Fr. Cekada for all of his efforts, especially at this difficult time. We congratulate Father on his beautiful motet, Veni Sancte Spiritus, expertly and movingly performed by the choir at the Offertory of last Sunday’s Pontifical Mass.

Although the Holy Spirit is certainly the Spirit of healing, quite a few of us are sick of late. For many, I suspect, it’s the allergies for which the Ohio Valley is notorious. They often mimic other ailments. Not for nothing do we call them “hay fever.” Well, let us pray for all of our sick, whatever the degree or description of their ailment be. “Come, Holy Ghost.”

Sr. Jeanne Marie is receiving therapy this Summer to regain the use of her legs, preparatory to long delayed knee surgery. We miss her! It will be good to see her again. Mother Isidore is shepherding her young lambs towards their vestition day, First Friday, June 3rd. The ceremony will include the shearing of the sheep, come to think of it. I hope you can be with us.

Fr. Cekada will be needing plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in order to regain his health. (I’m sure they wouldn’t hurt the rest of us either!) Can you please use the Cucina Clerical website so you can pace our food deliveries, and we will avoid too much at once? Many thanks for your generous care! (

We in turn, here at church, are surely praying for you. Good deal? The daily Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament begins on Corpus Christi, Thursday, with Mass before the Blessed Sacrament, and Benediction each day. The priests will be adoring all day Thursday, chanting together the entire Divine Office of Corpus Christi. Try to come to the Solemn Mass at 11:20, and get in on some of the adoration. Pray for our dear First Communicants whose turn at last comes next Sunday. I hope they are as eager to receive Jesus, as He is to come to them!

The cats have been on bunny patrol regularly of late. There’s a particularly urgent cry they use only when they need to come in and drop off “a gift.” From time to time they attempt to vary my menu with a mouse, but usually rabbit is on the schedule, if not exactly on my plate.

Thanks to Jean and Kirby who have adopted the cloister garden. It’s shaping up nicely. The roses this year are doing very well. The Lambs Ears are multiplying, and we have some in the altar arrangements today. Feel free to take a plant or two home.

I hope to see you on Thursday, and often during our Corpus Christi observance.

May the Blessed Trinity dwell in you and bring you to perfection!

—Bishop Dolan