Easter IV

Young Adult Get-Together

This summer, we are hosting a young adult get-together. We hope to draw Traditional Catholics from across the country. Visit our event website for more information.
YAG Cincinnati Website

We had a large turnout for our first Fatima Rosary Procession of the year.

Our school children pose after their Spring Program

Daily Sermons
May 5 – Fr. McKenna – Pius V, Lepanto, The Rosary, & Fatima
May 8 – Fr. McKenna – St. Michael and the Bull
May 9 – Fr. Lehtoranta – St. Gregory Teaches Us to be Soldiers of Christ
May 10 – Fr. Lehtoranta – St. Joseph, The Working Man’s Friend
May 11 – Bp. Dolan – A Little While

✠ The Bishop’s Corner ✠
Happy Mothers’ Day! What a happy coming together, what joy for Heaven and earth to combine our Blessed Mother’s celebration with our own mother, May Crowning and the Fatima Centennial, as Consecration to Mary’s Immaculate Heart. May our homage today linger in hearts and homes, as we lay not only flowers but our lives and souls at Mary’s feet to be arranged by her hands and presented to the Most High.

Matrimony means the “gift of motherhood,” and it is within this lasting contract and sacrament that God means this gift should be given and received. That’s why it’s always about marriage. For matrimony St. John the Baptist lost his head, and St. Thomas More as well. It does not end there.

When “the nine” were expelled from the Pius X Society in 1983, it was NOT about rubrics or Sede Vacantism, but the defense of marriage against the scandal of American annulment, Catholic “divorce” which prevailed in our country after Vatican II. Now a similar crisis has arisen again within the same Pius X Society, still about marriage, but in France, not the United States. It’s a big scandal. The bishop this time is Fellay, who is determined to make traditional Catholics get married in front of a Novus Ordo priest (!) should the Novus Ordo bishop so decide. It’s part of their absorption into the new one world church.

This time ten not nine priests publicly dissented and their letter was read in the Society’s largest church, St. Nicholas in Paris, and published throughout France. The Society priests were immediately fired from their positions, and denounced in best North Korean style. But remember, it’s all about marriage. The devil hates holy, valid matrimony. That’s why Bergoglio wrote his “Joy of Loving” encyclical, and cleverly uses matrimony as the means for taking over the Pius X Society. Is this what so many worked and sacrificed for over the years? The mess of annulments and invalid marriages? How better to send souls to Hell? When will Catholics wake up?

The cats are sleeping soundly as I write this. I think they have been working the night shift with great diligence this Spring. Puccini even hesitated to come in for breakfast the other morning, having spotted “one more bird” on the lawn. But breakfast done, the cats are big on quiet. Of late they climb into human furniture for their morning naps. Caravaggio has recently claimed Fr. Cekada’s chair, and insists on silence. He’s sort of a hall monitor for quiet in the rectory. Last Sunday Fr. Cekada came in to tell me something before he went over to church, and the cat looked up at him from his chair (Fr. Cekada’s, that is!) and fixed him such an annoyed stare that even I was intimidated. Sometimes I like to listen to a little music, but not that morning.

Some clever birds have nested behind a light fixture in the cloister, and come and go with great ceremony. On Thursday all the birds were singing with the children at Mass, and it seemed to me that one avian chorister perfectly chirped along with the consecration chimes at the Elevation of the Precious Blood. They know, don’t they?

Fr. Nkamuke will be coming for a visit this summer after almost three years of intensive mission labor in Nigeria. But first he’s visiting a number of places for the first time, preaching, teaching and administering Sacraments. We will all be happy to see him for Corpus Christi.

Thank you for your presence and participation these two days of grace this memorable Mothers’ Day weekend. Full report to follow.

May Mary keep you close to Jesus in her Immaculate Heart,

Bishop Dolan