Epiphany III

Verbum Caro Factum Est

✠ The Bishop’s Corner ✠
Two snowy Sundays in a row, but we must thank God for everything. Despite it all, many did make it to church, and a nice turn out for the 5:45 both days, which surely shows a lot of good will. As does shoveling. I fear the Sisters may have had a hard time of it. But last Sunday, I hear, the lot was cleared for Mass. Today we are supposed to have only “a light dusting,” the flight attendant was just telling me. (I’m writing this on the plane back from sunny Tampa.)

It’s remarkable how people do manage to move in weather, thanks to one thing or another. I’m so grateful that all of the four far flung Fathers made it to Florida just fine. We were praying for this. I made it too, and so did my heavy suitcase, packed with spiritual books and ceremonial robes, despite the very short connection time in notorious Atlanta airport. Doubtless due to dear St. Thérèse, and her powerful prayer.

This was part II of the Theresian Retreat. We, or rather I (they were mostly quiet, the retreatants) talked about her “spiritual doctrine.” That would include God’s infinite compassionate love for us, poor wretched sinners; humility, confidence, prayer, patience and so forth. There are two hour long conferences a day, as well as a Mass, sermon, Rosary, Visit to the Blessed Sacrament, and some of the Divine Office recited together. (It’s not as bad as it seems!) The meal reading was from St. Thérèse’s autobiography, Story of a Soul. Oh, and plenty of time for quiet prayer, and a lot of eating. They seem to do quite a bit of eating in the seminary, what with three proper sit down meals—and good ones! Nobody objected. We were very grateful for Bishop Sanborn’s customary and generous hospitality.

Meanwhile, Fr. Cekada sang the daily Mass, preached, conducted the Prolife Holy Hour, and handled sick calls all week. Oh, and the cats. I think he rather enjoyed it. The cats didn’t mind, though they are still training him. Father shut two doors to avoid the obligatory 5 AM wake up scratch, to no avail. Puccini, further, seems to have his own house key, which is a mystery.

I hope to see many of you today even if there still is some snow, that everyone will miss Mass so much they won’t want to miss it, and come out for Our Lord. Tuesday is the feast of Cincinnati’s patron, St. Francis de Sales. First Friday of February comes this week, with its somewhat shorter All Night Adoration. First Saturday Benediction concludes it at 7:00 AM. Then we’ll get ready for Candlemas. Do come. Bring the kids. It’s Saturday. The “Mass of Candles.” Afterwards, we always have a great winter soup fest. Lots of fun. Bring a pot if you’d like. Finally the regular suspects will probably be sticking around to pack away Christmas for another year. I know they’d be mightily encouraged if somebody, anybody, also helped. Many hands, and etc….

Next Sunday let’s pray for fine weather so everyone can get the St. Blaise throat blessing. God bless you, and keep you warm and safe and coming back for more…here, to the church, the altar, the Mass!

–Bp. Dolan