Pentecost XXI

40 Hours Adoration

✠ The Bishop’s Corner ✠
We had a fine Forty Hours with an excellent attendance, our numbers swelled by visitors, especially our Young Adults. The great cry of the Litany resounded surely before the Throne of God, as did too the quiet whispered prayer of the sometimes solitary adorer. And how beautiful the glowing altar was, how touching the Pange Lingua and the procession and the bells, how moving the music. To God be the glory!

The Forty Hours Prayer is the Church’s powerful emergency devotion, and it certainly came at a fitting time, as the V2 Vatican engaged in open idol worship, demons really, who inspired yet another round of changes in the false Conciliar Church. These busy days of prayer (and socializing: great chili!) are always a little tiring, but so needed today as we add our own sacrifices to the great Sacrifice on the altar. We can only emerge fortified.

Having kept a restful holy day, and helped, “hopefully” the Holy Souls; our All Saints Sunday, with its little saints, and procession, serves as the charming culmination of these beloved and customary observances. November now proceeds. We will visit the cemeteries twice, but soon “the holiday season” will be upon us, and demand our tribute. God reward you for putting Him and His worship first. I wish you all a good November; time to catch up and rest a little, even as we start to get ready. Did you remember to set your clocks back? How good God is! An “extra” hour, just when we need it.

Fr. Cekada says the modernists in the Vatican have really and clearly shown their hand recently, and he’s working on an article about it. Fr. McKenna is south today, and Fr. Lehtoranta north, while Fr. McGuire went west but is back to help with the Sunday. He will be leading the Rosary Procession next week to St. Joseph’s Cemetery, 3819 W. 8th Street, where we will be blessing Katie’s grave (two years next month) and others of ours as well. Let us know if you have someone there.

Meanwhile I’m heading south to Brazil on Wednesday to visit our St. Joseph’s Seminary (the two words are curiously alike, aren’t they? Cemetery and Seminary!), to give Tonsure and Subdiaconate and Confirmation. It’s another quick but important trip, and I do count on your good prayers.

May Our Lord make you a saint!

– Bishop Dolan