Pentecost XX

Extra Sermon:
On the Occasion of the Consecration of Bp. da Silva

✠ The Bishop’s Corner ✠
The glow of a most successful Rosary Sunday (thank you! Our Lady of the Rosary and the Confraternity) had not yet faded when our new bishop, Dom Rodrigo da Silva, returned on Tuesday to a busy schedule in Brazil. He was certainly well treated at the airport. These little graces are the more touching as they are, nowadays, quite unexpected. The United agent spoke Portuguese, sent his luggage directly to Brazil, and gave Rev. Mr. Simpson a rare Gate Pass to accompany His Excellency until he boarded his flight. A TSA agent greeted the bishop respectfully and said everybody knew about the Consecration! His Excellency is having an “All Brazil” conference this weekend, Confirmations, Minor Orders, and a Pontifical Mass to honor the “Aparacida,” the national Patroness, on Tuesday. Fr. Romero leaves to help out Fr. Ercoli in Seattle, and Fr. Angelo Mello, a former Resistance priest, joins St. Joseph’s Seminary for his own studies, and to help the missions.

Jim Soli is back from the hospital and even made it to his Friday 8 AM Mass. Joe Andreotta was suddenly taken from us on Wednesday afternoon. We will miss a good faithful man, a friend, and a loyal usher. His death, while so sudden, was well provided spiritually. Fr. Lehtoranta rushed to the hospital before Joe was moved downtown, and anointed him. By the 5 o’clock Mass he was with God, and we were praying for him at a Requiem Mass. His funeral is Tuesday. These good men are irreplaceable, but we will need some men now to help with the ushering.

Speaking of help, the seminarians are kept busy with hours of class, prayers and duties. Could you sign up to bring a meal sometimes, especially Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday? To “feed the hungry,” remember, is to feed Our Lord Himself.

Tomorrow’s holiday should not go unobserved, because the Race Communists are trying to cancel Columbus. It is also the feast of Our Lady’s Maternity. Please continue faithfully to pray with us five decades daily, as noted, for the defeat of the One World Revolution, and the restoration of our liberties.

Mark Wednesday on your calendar for the final Fatima Rosary Procession for Peace, by candlelight in West Chester at 7:15 PM. My modest goal is one hundred and four souls, but I wouldn’t mind two… Know and employ the wonderful weapon which is the Rosary.

Next Sunday we’re receiving new members into the Rosary Confraternity after the 9 AM Mass. Indulgences are many, and you “only have to” say three Rosaries over the week, though we all say one each day…so you’re covered.

Today’s St. Francis Borgia was a Spanish Grandee, a great powerful oligarch who became the most humble Jesuit. His last work was to tramp all over Europe, cobbling together a delicate diplomatic
alliance to fight off the invading Moslems at Lepanto. It worked. Hell trembles at humility, and Heaven cannot resist its sweet fragrance. Even as we battle, for fight we must, remember this secret weapon.

The angels accompany you home today, and stay with you all week!

– Bishop Dolan