Pentecost XIV

Note from the Bishop
Last Sunday was our last of the High Masses sung by the people. I thank all of you for your devotion as you sang so well. The men’s schola and parish choir take over starting today, the Solemnity of the Holy Name of Mary and the Investiture of our Oblates of the Holy Face.

Sr. Grace started her first days teaching in the grade school and Sr. Cecilia continues her duties in the sacristy. Regina Simpson has graciously agreed to assemble the flower arrangements for the altar. Flowers are among the most beautiful altar decorations, in my opinion.

Fr. Francis Borgia, a Capuchin, used to say: “God has left us from Paradise three things: the stars, the flowers and the eyes of a child.” How true! Fr. Gihr goes on to explain: “In fact, flowers have in God’s creation a place entirely their own; they are on the globe of the earth what the stars are in the canopy of heaven—uneffaced traces of a former world, the earthly Paradise, the least affected by the curse of sin. In the splendor of their colors, in their fragrance, they are revelations of the beauty and goodness of God, emblems of his benevolence, images of His first, true designs.” Flowers also symbolize the different virtues which should adorn our immortal souls. They silently urge us to make our hearts into gardens for God with the flowers of virtue. They encourage us to practice those virtues which lead us to eternal Paradise.

Our Lady’s birthday—her 2,035th—was well celebrated. Never before have we had so many in attendance at the beautifully sung Solemn High Mass! The church was filled, much to my edification; and every table was taken at the party afterwards. We even ran out of pizza and cupcakes—always a good sign! I do hope our children learn to love Our Lady and her feast days. She will most certainly lead them to heaven, as long as they don’t neglect her. Parents, impress this truth upon them, above all, by your own example.

We here at St. Gertrude’s will open a seminary to train true Catholic priests. The starting date is Monday, September 26th. We have been planning this for quite some time now and are finally ready. Seminarians will receive a thorough training with all the required Philosophy, Dogmatic and Moral Theology. They will also be taught courses in Sacred Scripture, and other required courses, too many to be named here. But we will also give them a practical course in Liturgy and Pastoral Theology, so very necessary in these days. They will also be in an atmosphere apt to foster a life of discipline and prayer. Do pray for us as we add this arduous task to our already busy apostolate. It will be a challenge, but by the grace of God, we’re up for it!

The season of church picnics is here. Fr. McKenna has one scheduled at St. Hugh’s in Milwaukee this Sunday and another at St. Teresa of Avila Mission in Grand Forks, North Dakota, this week. Our own is taking place next Sunday, the 18th of September. I hope you have reserved the date. It should be a good time for all.

Yours in Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart,

Bishop McGuire