September, 2009 Archives

Angelic Devotion —Bp. Daniel Dolan

Pentecost XVII

Pentecost XVII

Bishop’s Corner Well, the weather certainly was wretched last week, wasn’t it? Still, we dassn’t complain, as they say. It was exactly the weather God wished us to have. And, after all, the Good Lord and His saints indulged us once already in the matter, and it isn’t good to push things with the Divine […]

Solemnity of the Seven Sorrows

Bishop’s Corner I was telling our children the other day that this year we had three “First Days of School,” each with something special. The first day of classes fell on the feast of St. Pius X, and the children were met by a little foundling left on our door step. Not a baby but […]

They Were Watching Him —Bp. Daniel Dolan

Solemnity of the Seven Sorrows

Courtship —Bp. Daniel Dolan

Solemnity of the Most Holy Name of Mary

Solemnity of the Most Holy Name of Mary

Bishop’s Corner Another Season starts this September Sunday, under the perfect patronage of the Most Holy Name of Mary. May her name be ever on our lips, so that Jesus’ Holy Name may reign in our hearts, homes and society. Welcome back to our dear Sunday School students. (Adults, remember classes are open for you […]

Divine Providence —Fr. Anthony Cekada

Pentecost XIV

Pentecost XIV

Bishop’s Corner We have an odd opening for our season this year. Labor Day’s holiday (let’s make it a holy day, shall we?) comes not at Summer’s end, but after school’s start. Still, it is welcome, as are the smiling faces of our little ones as they return to school, and next Sunday, to Sunday […]