Easter II

Daily Sermons
March 20 – Fr. McKenna – Babylonian Musings
March 21 – Fr. McKenna – Actions Speak Louder than Words
March 22 – Fr. McKenna – St. Isidore and the First Fruits
March 29 – Bp. Dolan – Why the Foot Washing?
March 29 – Bp. Dolan – At the Maundy

✠ The Bishop’s Corner ✠
Monday was the transferred feast of the Annunciation, marked by Solemn Mass and a Holy Hour. It was also the 130th anniversary of the entrance of St. Thérèse of Lisieux into the Carmelite Cloister at only the age of 15. This too, a little bit like the Annunciation, was a miracle, in its own way. It was another miracle of the “Closed Doors” we read about on Low Sunday. With God all things are possible. He is always opening doors for us.

Speaking of miracles, we are having a little one of our own out on the roof. An alert parishioner brought up the question of hail damage. The insurance assessor confirmed it, and now the company is covering the cost of re-roofing. A trusty Central American team labored diligently all week, the rat a tat tat of their Spanish echoing their hammers. This project should take care of the leak problem in great part, we hope. The nailing, all day long, reminds us especially at Mass, of the crucifixion, and those blessed wounds the Risen Lord showed to St. Thomas. Everything can lead to prayer: petition, thanksgiving, association and grateful love.

The weather was favorable to the roof work. The week started wintry, with a bit of snow, but gave way to Summer by its end. Spring may have sneaked in for a day or two, I think. Progress. The cats are on high alert for little living things, but are giving the roofers wide berth.

The Fathers took a break from the pounding last week to see St. Paul, Apostle of Christ. While it has its Hollywood touches, it is a fine, at times beautiful, and always inspiring film. St. Paul looks just like St. Paul. You might want to catch it at the Springdale. We came in late during the previews, but I was pleasantly surprised that they were adjusted for a Christian audience. There is so little in the entertainment world that is edifying, that one must rejoice when it happens. St. Paul would.

Our seminarians had a good time with us. The Cincinnati area really has a lot to offer visitors. May they come back again soon, and come back again one day to offer the adorable Sacrifice of the Mass for us.

I am writing this on St. Hermenegild’s Day. This young prince of Visigoth Spain lost his kingdom for the Faith, and his life rather than receive a valid Holy Communion in union with heretics. Gulp! What a reproach to all of the other “traditional” groups who are either “one with” that atheist apostate Bergoglio, or who instruct their poor sheep that it is permissible to be in communion with him at Mass and at Communion. Where are the shepherds who will guard us against the wolves? Convenience, ignorance, and “people pleasing” seem to have done in those few who have rejected the new religion, only to be tempted to this one fatal compromise, this “grain of incense.”

We’re honoring St. Joseph Wednesday as Patron and Protector of the Catholic Church. How much we need him today. Never tire of honoring him, and asking his intercession.

This week our High Schoolers are off to the nation’s capital for an education Spring Trip, under the tutelage of Fr. Lehtoranta, who is very learned in American history. We wish them a good, safe and learning trip. There is so much to learn about Washington and its ways. Looks like the swamp is not being drained after all, indeed, that Trump is morphing into the swamp monster.

Fr. McGuire and I visited Ed Strauss on Thursday, who is holding his own at an advanced age, and asks to be remembered to you all. Connie is stable for the moment. Sr. Jeanne Marie had a rough Lent, but we hope she is doing better now. There are a couple of “special” prayer intentions for sick and fallen away as well. Let us pray! Fr. McKenna is offering Mass for our now unified Cajun Catholics in Lafayette, Louisiana. Fr. McGuire is setting up an altar in Effingham, Illinois, for growing Holy Face Mission.

May Jesus, the Shepherd and Bishop of our souls, keep us unto eternal life.

– Bishop Dolan