Pentecost IX

✠ The Bishop’s Corner ✠
We tend to divide news between the good and the bad. But the truth is that the only bad is sin, which God, however, often permits for His good purposes. So, we’re really in a win/win situation. Good to keep in mind these days of so much “bad news.” How good is the good God!

The Boys Camp was another triumph following that of the Girls Camp. 38 boys joined Fr. McKenna, our four fine seminarians and a number of fathers for three great days of exercise and games, prayers and spirituality, good example and the forming of friendships. Thanks for your support for this important apostolate.

One happy development has been the continued participation of our St. Hugh fathers and sons in the Boys Camp, never stronger than this year. Both churches benefit, as well as our future Catholic men and leaders, of course.

Three of our seminarians return to Florida after a busy but also enjoyable month of vacation. They did a lot of work on vacation, and more awaits them at Most Holy Trinity, I am sure. Mr. Thomas Ojeka remains here to help us through the Assumption, for which we are grateful.

Fr. Cekada left the hospital healed of his chief complaints, but very much the worse for wear. Hospitals are funny places, aren’t they? He’s still very weak, and must now recommence (once again!) his physical therapy for walking, manual dexterity, and slowly building up his strength. He prays for patience and perseverance. As the Psalmist says, “I said, ‘Now I start. This change is from the Right Hand of the Most High!’”

But we did enjoy some fine dinners this week. Always cheering, and such a practical help. Many thanks. The socializing, conversation and good cheer as we eat together around Fr. Cekada in his living room chair, does him great good.

The good news from the Sisters is that they have decided to establish a fully contemplative cloister. How much we need the prayers and penance of dedicated religious in our crazy days. Beckie Mattingly left the Sisters her house in her will. After protracted litigation with her family, the Sisters finally took possession of the house in the Spring, and successfully sold it. With the returns, they have purchased a house and a piece of land in rural Louisiana, where the dollar stretches far more than in greater Cincinnati. We will miss the good Sisters, but understand their decision. We know we may always count on their prayers.

Meanwhile, we busy “Martha souls” will try to pick up the slack. We’ll need to organize the Sunday Catechism classes for starters. Any ideas? All help appreciated. Based on the poor participation of parents this past year, looks like we’ll have to work on recruiting students as well as teachers. Some parents treated registration as a kind of “union job.” Sign up, but don’t show up. The
world is changing, that’s for sure. I’m glad the Sisters will be praying for us.

Make a sacrifice to pray some extra this week, won’t you? Prayer isn’t only for nuns or priests. There’s Tuesday’s Novena, and Thursday’s Mass before the Blessed Sacrament Exposed. Most of all, First Friday, and the all night watch before the monstrance. Powerful prayer! Help us out.

Let us never forget, “Our help is in the name of the Lord.”

–Bp. Dolan