✠ The Bishop’s Corner ✠
Right about now August gets a little long in the tooth, although these extra, quiet days before a busy September are appreciated. They’ve been issuing weather advisories for—wait for it—hot and humid weather. Still, when the sun comes out, mornings are nice, at least from the vantage point of my window. A curious hummingbird lingered this morning, but Cavaradossi was looking the wrong way, and missed it. Be watchful. Next a Monarch butterfly flittered by, probably on his way to Mexico. I wonder if he had to take a Covid test? Where would you stick the Q-tip? I didn’t make it to Mexico this year, although other bishops seem to be managing some travel despite the problems. One fears all of this may soon come to an end, leaving only hummingbirds and butterflies the run of the air. No masks for them!
I wondered at our so hardworking and efficient asphalt crew laying a fresh layer last week, and in such heat. You’d think masks might protect from some of the poisons with which they work, but how could you function without air, and in such heat? They started and finished early both days, and the parking lot was good to go by Thursday. Thanks for your perseverance in getting to Mass, and theirs in seeing to the parking lot.
Some years are bad for allergies, and ’21 has been a doozy since March. Still, some months manage to be worse than others. I was thinking vaguely of going away for a little rest, but Covid craziness makes it challenging. So, these days are supposed to be a little “staycation,” but are turning more into a “sick-cation.” But let us remember those who are really sick, and need our prayers here, and throughout the world. You can always pray. A devout lady wrote from New Zealand suggesting a Rosary Crusade, as other groups do. Thoughts? I can well imagine how the poor people of Oceania must feel, imprisoned as they are in despotic Communist states. Now Australia is proudly introducing their new Covid Concentration Camp. Nobody says much about it all. I guess they are understandably afraid. But fear never got anyone anywhere. The Rosary, however…
The Rosary, however…saved Brazil from Communism just in the 60s. But that was before the destruction of the Catholic Church. It is to Brazil that I am turning for another bishop to take care of our faithful in Mexico and South America, as well as to help assure the apostolic succession in these so uncertain times. God willing, I will consecrate Fr. Rodrigo da Silva a bishop here on the feast of St. Michael the Archangel, September 29. He has to pass a long quarantine in Mexico City in order to enter the United States. (Others, however, are daily flown or driven in, thanks to Uncle Sam.) Please pray that all goes well for this Consecration. Afterwards, the new bishop returns to Brazil and the St. Joseph Seminary he heads.
Our seminarians are welcoming our boys to play outside with them “after school” on Monday afternoons, reviving Fr. Saavedra’s Knights of the Sacred Heart. Fr. Lehtoranta, for his part, continues his excellent work with the girls in his Sodality of Charity, which met recently. Soon school reopens, and Sunday Catechism as well (September 19).
Be with us this weekend for First Friday All Night Adoration, and the consecration next Sunday of a new season’s work to good St. Joseph. If you’re one of those who worries about today and tomorrow (after all, we are living a nightmare), get ahold of one of those Don Dolindo “Jesus, You Take Over” novena booklets. Handsomely printed, conveniently sized and priced, they’re sure to help many a soul to peace of heart.
May the Mother of Divine Providence lead you to her Son.
– Bishop Dolan