Dear Members of the Parish,
In case anyone had not yet heard, †Bishop Dolan died suddenly yesterday. The funeral arrangements for him are as follows:
Tuesday, May 3rd
4:00 PM Reception of the Body & Rosary in church
5:10 PM Low Mass
8:00 PM Vespers of the Dead
Wednesday, May 4th
7:00 AM Low Mass
8:30 AM Matins & Lauds of the Dead
11:00 AM Pontifical Requiem Mass, followed by the Burial at St. Stephen’s Cemetery in Hamilton, OH
Luncheon follows burial at church
†Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.
In Christ,
Parish Office Staff
✠ The Bishop’s Corner ✠
Low Sunday generally finds our numbers reduced, things pretty quiet, and the faithful rested after the exertions of Lent and Holy Week. But we are all of us refreshed as well, renewed and energized by the great things God has given us to do those momentous days the Church calls the Great Week. We have an eye as well and many a plan and prayer for the Ordination ceremony in ten days’ time. Fr. Valerii had his Byzantine Holy Week this year in Ireland, and celebrates Easter today, the Eastern way.
Holy Saturday is always a long and tiring vigil, properly penitential as vigils are meant to be. But as I thanked our devoted, our intrepid acolytes of the altar, I commented to them as well that we all make mistakes on days such as these. But most also help the ceremony, by whispering or showing the right way when others are temporarily out to sea. We take turns focusing. That makes what we do to be a grand common effort, the work of a family, this Work of God. I extend the same consideration to those who set things out and set up and put way again, to those who feed us and clean up after us. Who could forget our amazing choir, or edifying acolytes? Most of all, those who follow us prayerfully in the Sacred Liturgy, who pray for us as well as with us, we thank you for your support as well.
I think one of my favorite parts of this favorite time of the year, in addition to the irresistible moments of high and moving drama (the earthquake, the death, the Resurrection of Our Lord, the Gloria), is something quite silent, still and restful, the Altar of Repose. All is quiet there, as befits a wake, a cemetery. In the hush of adoration, of pure white lilies and candles, we pray quietly, we pay our respects, and far more. It is an oasis of rest in the restless routine of the Three Days. Our Easter Sepulchre was particularly beautiful this year in the classic way of these altars.
Early Spring seems to have gone on forever, doesn’t it? We suspend its progress for a bit of Winter, the warmth of Summer. Snow fell even to summon us to remember the Easter Angels, whose garments were white as snow. I love the cool crisp days, and evening just warm enough to sit on my now restored deck, delighting that it’s just early enough still to be bug free.
The cats work the night shift now on the grounds. Cavaradossi is recovering nicely from a little surgery the other day. Deer continue to come by, and the resident skunk is out in the evenings, too. The cats avoid him. Rabbits are multiplying as rabbits will. Perhaps some of = the above will have to furnish food if the famine they’re thoughtfully preparing for us comes to pass. (Not the cats, of course, and who even eats skunk?) Prudence dictates you stock up a bit on basics, just in case.
But the big news is the Ordination, a week from Wednesday. If you’re coming and staying for dinner, please call the office and let us know. Please, too, join us in prayer as our future priests make their retreat, and last minute preparations. We are busy with them as well, and thank all who are helping.
Enjoy these now busy again days, but days of Paschal peace.
– Bishop Dolan