Note from the Bishop
It certainly has been a beautiful, sunny week for the most part, albeit perhaps a little too hot for many. Still, the sunny summer weather is always welcome. The cats are certainly enjoying their time outdoors where the rabbits have caught their attention. Every now and again I walk around a corner only to see a cat stalking a rabbit—but those rabbits have been on their guard and hop off faster than the cats can run. Speaking of the cats, thy found where my office is over at church, so when they can’t find me at home they come to the office door frantically trying to get my attention with their incessant meowing—often when I’m having an important meeting with someone. What are you gonna do…the cats have run of the place!
Sadly, we were not able to have our outdoor Fatima Procession last Monday due to the excessive heat and then the storms. But Our Lady doesn’t mind…many brave souls drove through the downpour to get to church where we prayed the Fifteen Mysteries. The violent winds that blew that evening reminded me of a truth that we too often forget. “And he said to him: Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord: and behold the Lord passeth, and a great and strong wind before the Lord, overthrowing the mountains, and breaking the rocks in pieces: but the Lord is not in the wind. And after the wind, an earthquake: but the Lord is not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake, a fire: but the Lord is not in the fire. And after the fire, a whistling of a gentle air. And when Elias heard it, he covered his face with his mantle…” (3 Kings 19:11-13) for in the whistling of the gentle air was to be heard the voice of God. God communicates with us gently, not in the noise and violence of a mighty wind, a terrible earthquake, or a fire which destroys. The sure sign that a thought or an inspiration to do something comes from God is that it is calm, quiet, and results in a true peace of heart. See, the wisdom of God teaches us His truths even in the works of nature. O the depth of the wisdom of God!
Thursday, Corpus Christi, was a day filled with graces for the whole Church. It was, likewise, a day of grace for the clergy here at St. Gertrude’s. Bishop Dolan had always wanted all his priests to be here for the feast day. In a bond of priestly fraternity we chant the entire Divine Office together before the Blessed Sacrament exposed, attend the special Solemn High Mass, and adore Our Eucharistic King and Savior. It isn’t often that we are all here together, so this one day a year is so important. The Eucharist is the center of our worship and the center of our unity.
Friday, however, the priests returned to their travels. Fr. McKenna went to Milwaukee, where he is now pastor. Today Father will administer First Holy Communion. I myself am in Seattle, visiting Fr. Ercoli and Fr. Romero’s parish and administering some fifty Confirmations. While that number is impressive, it is only half the number of Confirmations Bishop da Silva is administering in Canada! Fr. Brueggemann is saying Mass this morning at Holy Face Mission in Effingham, Illinois, but will be back tonight. Fr. Lehtoranta is holding down the fort here in West Chester. Next week, Father is running a Vocations Retreat for our future Oblates. More on that later.
Come spend some time this week with Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Even if you cannot get to a Mass, pop in to make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament, or bring the family in to say the family Rosary in His presence (there are indulgences attached to this). Remember, the very same God who walked the streets of Jerusalem, working miracles of healing and of conversions, dwells on our altar and awaits your company!
– Bishop McGuire