Note from the Bishop
Last weekend’s YAG turned out to be a real success as they had their largest attendance yet. I wish I had been there to meet our guests, but could not be; but I did tune in to the 7:30 Sunday sermon that Fr. McKenna, the chaplain to the YAG, gave on Rose Ferron and true sacrifice. His message was most encouraging. If you missed it I highly recommend that you listen to it on our website or on our YouTube channel.
No sooner did the YAG people depart than the girls came for the three-day girls camp. Fr. Lehtoranta gave a few very good sermons to the girls but later in the day had to prepare to teach a theology class to seminarians. The Oblates and some of the other young ladies of the parish did a fantastic job organizing everything.
Last weekend I was in Milwaukee again to do Confirmations, of which there were four. Our trusty MCs did a nice job running the ceremony, as it was done almost perfectly. Congratulations to our new Confirmands! Just yesterday, private Confirmations were done for a few of our own Gertrudians who were either sick or absolutely could not be here on the Vigil of Pentecost.
Bishop da Silva tells me of the work being done in other parts of the world. You know that he was just in Canada to do Confirmations; but he also went to Colombia where he visited a priest and his many mission centers—twenty in total (although His Excellency wasn’t able to make it to all twenty). From Colombia, the Bishop went to Mexico to visit Fr. Arnoldo and Fr. Martín. Canada and South America, with the exception of Brazil, are overrun with Communists, and it is quite difficult to get into Canada these days. Do pray for these countries and the whole world. Truly we are seeing the fulfillment of Our Lady’s prophecies at Fatima. Russia’s errors are spreading because Russia was never properly consecrated to the Immaculate Heart as she had asked. Still, Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart will triumph. In the meantime we must pray many rosaries and offer many sacrifices.
This week has many great feast days of saints of Charity—St. Camillus of Lellis, St. Vincent de Paul, St. Jerome Emiliani, and of course St. Mary Magdalen. They each remind us of the need for true charity. The world can never attain true charity to others because it does not have true love of God, for we are directed to love our neighbor in God and for the sake of God. Nor will the world ever be able to protect the rights of man until it learns to respect the rights of God and His Church in society. Let us, therefore, spread the true charity of Christ as did the saints. Let us be the hands and the feet for Christ to bring the love of the Sacred Heart into the world, that the fire of His love may enkindle hearts everywhere.
– Bishop McGuire